5 Yoga Poses To Keep Your Kids Healthy

By: Sandeep Tue, 24 Dec 2019 1:13:57

5 Yoga Poses To Keep Your Kids Healthy

Learning about yoga early and developing a practice is a wonderful habit for young children. It gets kids moving and engaged in a fun physical activity, and it also helps children feel more focused, calm and less stressed.The moves, which include downward dog and the aptly-named child's pose, are targeted for children between the ages of 4 to 10.

yoga poses to keep kids healthy,yoga asan for kids,yoga for kids health,fitness tips,Health tips,healthy living

* Tree Pose

Begin in Mountain pose. From your mountain, lift your arms and reach out to either side, like the branches of a tree, to help you balance. Lift one foot, turning your knee out to the side, and place your foot either below the knee of the standing leg or above it. Breathing slowly in and out, bring your arms up over your head and imagine yourself growing like a tree. Slowly lower your hands to your chest, place your foot down, and repeat on the other side.

yoga poses to keep kids healthy,yoga asan for kids,yoga for kids health,fitness tips,Health tips,healthy living

* Half Moon

Start in Mountain pose. Bend forward and place your right hand on the ground about a hand’s length away from and slightly to the outside of your right foot. Lift your left leg behind you. Once you feel balanced, lift your left arm and reach for the sky. Breathe deeply. Look straight ahead or up at your hand. Open your body, imagining you are leaning back against a wall and expanding your chest. Put everything back on the ground on repeat on the other side.

yoga poses to keep kids healthy,yoga asan for kids,yoga for kids health,fitness tips,Health tips,healthy living

* Downward Dog

Start on your hands and knees, with your toes curled under. Breathe in, and, as you breathe out, lift your hips in the air, straightening your legs and pressing your heels toward the floor. Push your palms into the floor, with your fingertips facing forward. Look between your knees. Wag your tail, bark, lift one leg or the other.

yoga poses to keep kids healthy,yoga asan for kids,yoga for kids health,fitness tips,Health tips,healthy living

* Basket Pose

Start flat on your belly, with your hands alongside your body, palms facing up. Bend your knees and reach each arm back, taking hold of the outside of each ankle. Breathe in and reach your heels toward the sky, lifting your heart and your thighs off the floor. Breathe in and out while holding this position and looking straight ahead.

yoga poses to keep kids healthy,yoga asan for kids,yoga for kids health,fitness tips,Health tips,healthy living

* Child's Pose

Start by kneeling on the floor, with the tops of your feet resting on the ground, big toes touching. Sit back on your heels, either keeping your knees together or separating them the width of your hip. Bring your head down gently to the floor in front of you. Your hands can stay by your side or your can reach them out in front of you. Breathe in and out and hold the pose as long as it is comfortable.

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