6 Amazing Benefits Of Isabgol For Health

By: Kratika Fri, 18 Nov 2022 7:29:03

6 Amazing Benefits of Isabgol for Health

Isabgol benefits your health primarily by keeping constipation at bay. A very widespread digestive disorder, constipation is prevalent all across the world and almost in every community. The percentage varies from 1% to 80% across communities . The difference is based on a number of factors ranging from the genetic constitution to fiber intake, socioeconomic status, or even fluid intake. Several underlying factors like inadequate mobility and hormonal imbalance can lead to constipation too.

In Asian countries such as China, Korea, Hong Kong, and India, the dominance of constipation is more as compared to other countries and ranges from 8.2% to 16.8%. So, every Indian is at a higher risk in comparison to others and must look at ways to treat constipation naturally. In this regard, isabgol is a natural elixir helping prevent constipation symptoms. But that’s not all. Isabgol benefits your health in numerous other ways, such as promoting weight loss, helping you maintain healthy cholesterol levels, and even keeping diabetes symptoms in check. Read on to know about these psyllium husks or isabgol benefits in detail.

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# Isabgol Helps Fight A Range Of Gastrointestinal Issues

In summer, constipation is usually at an all-time high. Isabgol, owing to its fibrous backbone, helps ease constipation as it is known to encourage the passage of stools. Whether you consume it as a drink, by mixing it with warm water or milk, or as an unfermented gel, isabgol has a soothing power and keeps your digestive system at ease.

It regulates bowel movements and works as a remedy for people suffering from gastrointestinal disorders. It helps them easily defecate without feeling any pain. Moreover, isabgol eases the transit of food particles inside the colon. Due to this, people experiencing diarrhea or inconsistency in bowel movement can feel better by consuming isabgol. Other conditions in which isabgol can be used include ulcerative colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, piles, and inflammatory bowel disease.

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# Isabgol Helps Keep Cholesterol In Check

Isabgol contains both soluble and insoluble fibers, and these are known to significantly lower the LDL (bad cholesterol) and serum cholesterol in the body. This helps maintain a balance and reduces your risk of cardiac disorders or problems.

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# Isabgol Benefits Your Health By Keeping Hemorrhoids At Bay

Hemorrhoids or inflammation of veins in your rectum can be painful and often lead to bleeding over time. Since isabgol has fibrous properties, which allows you to deal with constipation, it does not permit hemorrhoids to get out hands. It also keeps inflammation and its severe properties in check.

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# Isabgol Aids Those With Diabetes

Among all the benefits of isabgol, it is also known as a great medicine for diabetics. Isabgol contains gelatin, which decelerates the breakdown and absorption of glucose into the body. This, in turn, helps in keeping the blood sugar levels under check. This can be a boon for those who experience spikes and lows.

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# Isabgol Helps With Weight Loss

Isabgol benefits those who are looking to shed weight because of a number of reasons. The majority of its weight loss benefits come from its high fiber content which enhances your body's digestive processes. It helps you feel full for a longer period of time while reducing your fat consumption. Apart from this, isabgol is good in controlling food cravings, which serves to reduce your consumption of unhealthy foods.

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# Isabgol Reduces Inflammation And Helps Fight Infection

Isabgol benefits in reducing inflammation across your body and fights infection due to the prebiotics present in it. Prebiotics are essential in maintaining healthy bacteria present in your gut. A good number of healthy bacteria in your gut helps improve your digestive health, which in turn helps improve your immune system. Thus, by strengthening your immune system and supporting your digestive health, isabgol benefits in reducing inflammation and the risk of infection.

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