6 Foods You Can Eat For Weight Loss

By: Kratika Mon, 28 Nov 2022 11:49:42

6 Foods You Can Eat for Weight Loss

We’ve all heard the basic concept of weight loss: eat fewer calories and burn more calories. But doesn’t that mean you’re going to be hungry? It seems inevitable, but it’s actually far from the truth.The key is to know the difference between fewer calories versus less food.

A cheeseburger with fries can equal 1000 calories, even if it’s the only thing you eat today. On the other hand, you can also get 1000 calories from three nutritious meals plus snacks.Eating little to no food will just mess with your weight loss goals. Avoid this mistake at all costs! After all, weight management is about eating right, not less.

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# Avocado

There’s a reason why avocados are so popular. Half a fruit contains 6.7 grams of anti-inflammatory monounsaturated fatty acids. It also offers fiber, magnesium, potassium, and vitamins A, C, and E. Between the healthy fats and fiber, your stomach will be happy. Avocado pairs well with salads and sandwiches. You can blend it with olive oil for a creamy, rich dressing.

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# Salmon

If you eat meat, salmon is the way to go. One half of a fillet has nearly 40 grams of protein and tons of unsaturated fat – all for just 280 calories. Protein specifically enhances leptin, the “satiety hormone.”

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# Beans

No weight loss plan is complete without beans. As a lean source of protein, they’re also packed with fiber, making them a top choice for preventing hunger. Chickpeas, black beans, kidney beans – take your pick. Use them to bulk up salad or soup. For a satisfying sandwich, blend beans in a food processor and make veggie burgers. They can even double as a taco filling.

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# Hummus

Instead of high-calorie mayonnaise or dressing, reach for hummus. The protein and fiber in chickpeas will do wonders for your waistline. Eat hummus as a dip, dressing, or sandwich spread. Craving more flavor? Mix spices like paprika or black pepper.

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# Eggs

Start the day off with an egg or two. You can cook them in many ways, but boiling avoids the need for extra grease. One hard-boiled egg has 6.29 grams of protein and only 78 calories. For a nutritious sandwich, ditch the mayo and mix hard-boiled eggs with mashed avocado. Dreading a long week? Add veggie quiche cups to your meal prep plan.

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# Oats

At 8.25 grams of fiber per half cup, oats are one of the best foods for slimming down. The same portion only has 303 calories plus magnesium, potassium, and zinc. Overnight oats are a lifesaver for busy mornings. To snack smart, make oatmeal bars or cookies. Add a scoop of protein powder for even more staying power.

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