6 Habits To Follow In Morning For Quick Weight Loss

By: Kratika Tue, 30 Aug 2022 09:18:52

6 Habits To Follow in Morning for Quick Weight Loss

At times, losing weight can feel impossible even though you are doing everything in your might to burn the fat. However, it doesn’t require a complete overhaul of your current diet and lifestyle to shed a few pounds. Yes, you heard it right! Making some small changes in your morning habits can help you to lose weight. Below are mentioned 9 such morning habits that you can incorporate into your routine to aid your weight loss efforts.

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# Soak Up Sunshine

Open the shades and allow some sunlight in. A flood of sunshine will not only work as an instant morning pick-me-up for you but will also help kickstart your weight loss. Many studies have found that there is a link between weight gain and vitamin D deficiencies. It is seen that when people come in contact with sunlight during the early hours of the day have lower BMIs. It is not a good idea to spend too much time in the sun and just 15 to 20 minutes of morning light is enough to have a beneficial effect on weight loss.

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# Don’t Start Your Day With Bed Tea/Coffee

One of the effective morning habits that can help you to lose weight is to avoid having morning tea or coffee. This is because these are natural diuretics that lead to an increase in urine production thereby leaving you dehydrated. Moreover, when we sleep, our body tends to detoxify itself thereby creating an acidic environment in the body. So, it is important to make the acidic environment of our body alkaline and in this case, having tea or coffee as the first thing in the morning will not be of any help. Have a big glass of warm water with lemon squeezed into it to boost metabolism and flush out toxins.

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# Have High-Protein Breakfast

Include proteins in your breakfast as it activates the body’s signals that reduce food cravings, curb appetite and prevent overeating so, it is a key for satiety. On the other hand, carbohydrate-rich breakfast will increase your cravings and will make you hungrier. You would also crave for sugar and snacks throughout the day which will ultimately lead to weight gain.

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# Never Grab Your Breakfast On-the-go

Keep in mind not to have breakfast on-the-go as this will stop you to practice mindful eating. It is also found that people who are in a rush usually grab unhealthy, high in carbs, high in sugar, less nutritious food that ultimately leads to weight gain.

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# Drink Plenty Of Water

An easy way to enhance weight loss is to start your morning with a glass or two of water. This is because water not only will help in boosting food breakdown but will also help to curb hunger by making you feel full. Moreover, water helps to remove toxins from the body.

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# Getting In Some Exercise

The next on the list of important morning habits that can help you to lose weight is to squeeze in some physical activity before breakfast. Exercising before eating breakfast not only helps in burning calories but also helps to boost metabolism and decrease in appetite. It encourages the body to burn more fat for energy rather than relying on carbohydrates from food.

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