7 Foods To Add In Your Diet To Stay Healthy And Relaxed

By: Kratika Wed, 01 Mar 2023 10:11:24

7 Foods To Add in Your Diet To Stay Healthy and Relaxed

Water and juices cleanse the body of toxins and provide a cooling effect. Aside from drinking these juices, you should also include some healthy foods that cool your body in your diet. Being outdoors in the heat and sweating can put you at risk for dehydration and vitamin deficiencies.

Summers in India are scorching, particularly in the north. It is necessary to maintain a healthy diet to keep the body cool and avoid diseases such as dehydration, vomiting, and diarrhea in the summer. Here are some healthy foods that can help you cool down. This summer, include these foods in your diet to stay healthy and relaxed.

food to stay healthy,food to stay relaxed,Health tips,fitness tips

# Watermelon

Watermelons are a great summer hydration food. This water-rich fruit is highly effective at reducing body heat and keeping you hydrated and cool. It is composed of 92% water and contains a good amount of vitamin A, vitamin C, antioxidants, and amino acids in each juicy bite. It also contains lycopene, which shields skin cells from sun damage.

food to stay healthy,food to stay relaxed,Health tips,fitness tips

# Leafy greens

Leafy vegetables, such as kale, celery, and spinach, are high in water and an excellent source of vitamin C. They are easy to digest and require little energy for the body to process, keeping you cool. To maximize the benefits of your leafy vegetables, avoid overcooking them, as this will lead to a loss of water content.

food to stay healthy,food to stay relaxed,Health tips,fitness tips

# Berries

Berries have numerous health benefits. Strawberries and blueberries are high in flavonoids, which increase blood circulation to the skin and improve the health and appearance of your skin. Tart cherry anthocyanins activate a molecule that increases fat burning and decreases fat storage. It contains antioxidants, which may help prevent muscle fatigue by mopping up the extra free radicals produced by muscles during exercise.

food to stay healthy,food to stay relaxed,Health tips,fitness tips

# Melons

Cantaloupes and honeydews are amazingly healthy foods high in nutrients, water, and flavor, making them an ideal summer treat. Melons are also diuretics that do not dehydrate, which is especially important for women experiencing hormonal changes.

food to stay healthy,food to stay relaxed,Health tips,fitness tips

# Coriander

Coriander aids the body’s elimination of excess heat and toxins. It detoxifies the body while also keeping it cool and fresh. It is anti-inflammatory and relieves the digestive tract. In addition, it also reduces fever or high body temperature by inducing perspiration and lowering the internal body temperature.

food to stay healthy,food to stay relaxed,Health tips,fitness tips

# Coconut Water

Summertime is synonymous with coconut water. We see vendors selling these on every corner and in every fruit shop, especially in South India. Coconut water contains numerous vital nutrients and helps you maintain your body’s electrolyte balance, and it is a great-tasting drink that revitalizes you exceptionally well.

food to stay healthy,food to stay relaxed,Health tips,fitness tips

# Buttermilk

Buttermilk is an Ayurvedic favorite for combating heat stress because of its probiotic content and high vitamin and mineral content. It is an elixir that replenishes the body by replacing fluids and nutrients lost due to excessive perspiration and improving metabolism for this lethal composition. It may also be beneficial to women who experience hot flashes.

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