8 Herbal Remedies That Will Help You Prevent Heart Disease

By: Pinki Wed, 19 June 2024 3:07:07

8 Herbal Remedies That Will Help You Prevent Heart Disease

In today's fast-paced world, achieving a healthy lifestyle and peace of mind can be challenging. Understanding how the heart functions is crucial to preventing common diseases. The heart, a muscular organ, pumps blood throughout the body, with its right and left sides separating oxygen-rich and oxygen-poor blood.

Various cardiovascular diseases can arise, often due to issues such as fatty plaque buildup in arteries, reduced artery flexibility and strength, and high blood pressure causing arterial stiffness (atherosclerosis). Risk factors include unhealthy diets, lack of exercise, obesity, and smoking.

Heart arrhythmia, characterized by abnormal heart rhythms, can stem from conditions like coronary artery disease, congenital heart defects, diabetes, stress, and substance abuse. Awareness of these factors is vital for maintaining heart health.

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# Ginger

Ginger which is commonly used in cooking is a great natural source for prevention of heart disease. This strong flavored root is also sold in capsule form. From the ancient time ginger has been used to treat many ailments. It is also helpful for muscle and joint pain. Adding ginger to your daily diet will reduce the risk of heart diseases.

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# Garlic

Garlic is the member of the onion family. It is available in the form of extracts, oils and pills. It is a natural remedy to reduce LDL (Bad form) of cholesterol in the body. Garlic is used as a blood thinner to reduce atherosclerosis. Consumption of garlic is health but it should not be consumed in high quantities. Blood-thinning can prevent a few diseases in the body but too much of it may result in other kinds of problems.

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# Bilberry

Bilberry is quiet similar to blue berry and is an effective remedy to treat different kinds of problems in the body. It is also sold in capsule form. The fruit treats poor blood circulation in the body, especially in the veins. Other problems like skin problems, diarrhea, menstrual cramps and eyestrain.

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# Grapefruit Juice

Easily available in the market, grapefruit is perfect for the heart. You can drink fresh juice extracted from the fruit or buy it from the super market. Along with promoting heart health grapefruit is also helpful to lose weight. Single glass of grapefruit juice will double the calcium channel blocker amount available in the body.

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# Green Tea

Yes! Green tea, is another remedy to reduce the risk of heart problems. The leaves of Camellia sinensis plant are available in capsule or extract form. It is great for mental alertness, weight loss, prevent cancer and lower cholesterol. As green contains vitamin K consuming too much of it is not recommended.

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# Fenugreek Seeds

Fenugreek seeds have been used extensively in ancient Egypt. The seeds or ground powder is used to cure many ailments including digestive problems, lowering blood sugar and lowering cholesterol. It is a very good remedy to prevent heart related diseases.

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# Aloe Vera

The pulp of the aloe vera, also known as aloe vera gel has many medicinal values. Diabetes, asthma, arthritis and epilepsy are just a few ailments that can be cured by consuming aloe vera. Consuming one gulp of aloe vera everyday can prevent many different kinds of diseases.

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# Cayenne (Red Chilies)

Cayenne is used often to spice up curries. The spice has capsaicin, a substance extremely good for the heart. It improves the elasticity of the blood vessels, making your body more healthy. It reduces the risk of clot formation and balances the levels of LDL cholesterol. Improving the cardiovascular system and bringing the blood pressure into the normal range are the major changes Cayenne does in the body.

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