8 Home Remedies That Are Helpful In Treating Jaundice

By: Pinki Fri, 02 July 2021 7:29:11

8 Home Remedies That are Helpful in Treating Jaundice

Jaundice is a condition which can turn your skin and the whites of your eyes yellow. Whilst the condition is most common in children and newborns it can occur at any age and is generally harmless – although the condition in newborn babies should be monitored. Most of these home remedies for jaundice work both for babies and adults.

Jaundice occurs when the levels of bilirubin in the blood become too high, if the level is worryingly high in babies, your doctor may recommend they stay in the hospital to be monitored.

It may also be caused by eating too many oily, spicy, sour or alkaline foods as well as increased intakes of alcohol and sesame oil. The condition may also be linked with sleeping during the day, fear, anger and excessive stress.

This can result in an impairment of your blood and muscle tissue of your liver. As a result, bile is thrown into the blood which is what creates the yellowing color of your skin or eyes.

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# Frequent Feeds for Babies

Regular feeds will often help combat high bilirubin levels in the blood and therefore work as a great home remedy for jaundice in babies. Feeding your baby often will help flush the bilirubin out of their bloodstream through urine and feces.

If you don’t breastfeed, you should aim to be feeding your baby two ounces of formula each time you feed. This should be enough to help treat their jaundice.

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# Frequent Feeds for Babies

Regular feeds will often help combat high bilirubin levels in the blood and therefore work as a great home remedy for jaundice in babies. Feeding your baby often will help flush the bilirubin out of their bloodstream through urine and feces.

If you don’t breastfeed, you should aim to be feeding your baby two ounces of formula each time you feed. This should be enough to help treat their jaundice.

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# Sunlight

Natural sunlight is an even better and cheaper way to treat jaundice than using a bili-blanket – of course for this though you need to rely on the weather. Let your baby lay in the sun with as much skin on show as possible for one or two hours. Make sure they’re sufficiently covered with sun cream though and avoid leaving them outside when the sun is at its hottest at midday.

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# Zizyphus Jujuba Fruit Extract

One milliliter ml of Zizyphus jujuba fruit extract three times a day could really help reduce the levels of bilirubin in your bloodstream. As a result, this will help to treat your jaundice.

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# Carrot & Spinach Juice

Finely chop a few carrots and some spinach and squeeze out their juices. Mix the juices together and drink it, or give a few drops to your baby. This should help to treat jaundice as an effective home remedy.

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# Sugarcane Juice

Sugarcane makes a great home remedy for jaundice. The sugar it contains helps your liver to fight jaundice better by preventing it from throwing bile out into your bloodstream. Just a few teaspoons of sugarcane juice should be enough to help treat jaundice in small children and infants. You may want to take a little more for a fully-grown adult.

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# Wheatgrass Juice

A few drops of wheatgrass juice can be added to formula milk to help reduce the bilirubin in your baby’s bloodstream and treat jaundice. Breastfeeding mothers should drink a glass of the juice so that they pass on some of the benefits through their breast milk. You could also drink a glass a day if it’s you that’s suffering from jaundice.

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# Tomato Juice

Tomatoes are a rich source of a particular compound called lycopene and are great for improving the quality and purity of your blood. Drinking a glass of tomato juice in the morning could help to improve the health of your liver and reduce your case of jaundice.

Newborn babies shouldn’t be given tomato juice as a home remedy for jaundice but breastfeeding mothers can drink the juice and pass on some of its jaundice relieving benefits through their milk.

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