9 Best Remedies For Menopause Symptoms

By: Kratika Sun, 19 Feb 2023 11:13:59

9 Best Remedies for Menopause Symptoms

Menopause is when a woman between her 40’s and 50’s stops having menstrual cycles, though it’s not fully diagnosed until the woman’s gone a full year without having a menstrual cycle. While this process is completely natural and happens to every woman, that does not make it any less annoying.

The causes of menopause is most usually just the body’s decline of being able to make and release reproductive hormones. While that is the cause most women encounter, there are few others.

Some women may need hormone therapy because they have what is called ‘Premature Menopause’. That means that the woman’s stops producing reproductive hormones before her 40’s. Premature Menopause can be from a hormone imbalance or an autoimmune disorder.

remedies for menopause symptoms,healthy living,Health tips,treating menopause symptoms

# Soy-Based Foods

Soy’s isoflavones help to balance hormone which can help with quite a few of the symptoms Menopause causes. Adding soy to your diet is as easy as eating tofu or drinking soy milk.

remedies for menopause symptoms,healthy living,Health tips,treating menopause symptoms

# Flaxseed

Flaxseed has lignins and those lignins assist in calming hormones levels. One to two tablespoons of ground up flaxseed can be mixed into coffee, yogurt, stirred into fruits or veggies or added to food or drinks in a plethora of different ways.

remedies for menopause symptoms,healthy living,Health tips,treating menopause symptoms

# Black Cohosh

This herb is a member of the buttercup family and has been used for ages to steady body temperatures so they help to ease the hot flashes you may encounter. This herb is simple to use seeing as it comes in tablets, capsules, or you can even just stir into a glass of water.

remedies for menopause symptoms,healthy living,Health tips,treating menopause symptoms

# Vitamin D

Vitamin D is very easy to get and very important. This vitamin helps many people with depression and seasonal effects disorder so it might help to stabilize mood swings. To get Vitamin D in the most natural way you can, take a walk a minimum of fifteen minutes every day.

If it so happens that the weather won’t allow or you do not have the time, the vitamin also comes in a capsule you take.

If capsules are not your favorite way to get supplements, there are also various foods that are high in Vitamin D. Some foods you might be interested in are: fatty fish such as tuna or salmon, oysters, mushrooms, shrimp, egg yolks, fortified foods, and cod liver oil.

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# Reduce Stress

To try and limit stress is one of the best ways to keep hot flashes from occurring. Mindful breathing is a calming way to calm yourself down from hot flashes. You can do this whenever you are feeling worked up. You inhale for four seconds, hold your breath for seven, and inhale for the count of eight.

To achieve further relaxation throughout the day, try doing this simple breathing exercise three times first in the morning, three times before you go to bed, and three times whenever you feel stressed or feel a hot flash coming on during the day.

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# Ginseng

Ginseng is a herb that different peoples and cultures have been putting into powders, teas, and extras for thousands of years as a stabilizer for anxiety, fatigue, and stress. Add this to your diet in any way you like to benefit from this home remedy

remedies for menopause symptoms,healthy living,Health tips,treating menopause symptoms

# Yoga

In addition to suggestion five, you can try some yoga. Starting out by doing yoga (whether classes or online videos to follow) yoga is known to calm depression and mood swings.

remedies for menopause symptoms,healthy living,Health tips,treating menopause symptoms

# Catch Up on Sleep

The vast majority of women going through Menopause experience loss of sleep because of the increase of depression and/or anxiety, along with night sweats, hot flashes, and chills. There a couple of ways to help sleep come to you faster without taking a sleep aid.

Try turning off your phone, tv, computer, what have you at least an hour before you go to bed. Don’t drink anything with caffeine or alcohol before going to bed and try not to consume something containing nicotine either.

If possible, get yourself into a sleep schedule to help fight off drowsiness; wake up and go to sleep at the same times every day. Also, if you get tired during the day, there is nothing wrong with a power nap.

remedies for menopause symptoms,healthy living,Health tips,treating menopause symptoms

# Sage

Sage is a herb that can be used as a seasoning in food or in a tea to drink. Drinking this tea helps to relieve headaches, indigestion, and hot flashes.

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