6 Simple Habits You Should Incorporate For Better Sleep

By: Pinki Wed, 06 Mar 2024 08:56:43

6 Simple Habits You Should Incorporate For Better Sleep

Ensuring an adequate amount of sleep is not merely a luxury; it's an essential requirement for our well-being. Shockingly, approximately one in three Americans fail to meet this basic need, sleeping less than seven hours each night. This widespread sleep deprivation is exacerbated by the modern lifestyle, characterized by technology addiction, heightened stress levels, and sedentary habits, culminating in a recipe for poor sleep quality.

The crux of the issue often lies in the difficulty of falling asleep. This dilemma affects a staggering 60% of those who are sleep-deprived. It's a familiar narrative: the struggle to initiate sleep or maintain it throughout the night. While some individuals may grapple with clinically diagnosed sleep disorders like insomnia, many are grappling with issues that stem from their daily habits. Fortunately, addressing these habits can yield significant improvements in sleep quality.

Taking a step back and reassessing one's lifestyle can be the first step toward achieving better sleep. Incorporating simple yet effective habits can make a substantial difference in one's sleep patterns. By adopting these practices, individuals may find themselves pleasantly surprised by the positive impact each one can have on their overall sleep experience.

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# Consume Caffeine Early

Whether you’re on Team Tea or Team Coffee, caffeine will put some pep in your step. For some, it’s a must for tackling the day! Just be mindful of timing, because if you drink caffeine too late, you can say hello to a sleepless night. The Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine recommends having your last cup 6 or more hours before bedtime. So if you want to snooze at 9 PM, have your last sip around 3 PM. Don’t forget that some foods like chocolate have caffeine, too.

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# Turn Off Technology

Technology might offer entertainment and relaxation, but the blue light of electronics will work against you. It delays the internal clock, throws off melatonin, and stimulates the mind. Step away from the computer and television a few hours before bed. Turn off your phone, or at least put it on the other side of the room. Avoid laying in bed, scrolling through newsfeeds in the dark. It’s a sure-fire way to mess with your sleep. You can be sure that sleepiness will wither away.

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# Eat A Light Dinner

After a long day, it’s tempting to chow down on everything in sight. Unfortunately, eating a heavy, large meal a few hours before bedtime won’t make it easy to sleep. Greasy, fatty meals are especially bad for digestion. Instead, eat a modest dinner so your stomach isn’t grumbling. And if hunger pangs are keeping you up? Eat a light snack like whole grain toast and peanut butter.

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# Avoid Alcohol

About 20% of Americans use alcohol as a “nightcap.” And while it may seem to bring on sleep, booze actually harms the internal body clock and suppresses melatonin. Plus, research has shown that sleep after drinking tends to be light and irregular.

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# Drink Herbal Tea

Instead of alcohol, reach for gentle herbal remedies like chamomile, kava kava, or valerian teas. The act of sipping a hot cup of liquid will also feel extremely relaxing. If you’re new to herbs and don’t love the flavor, try adding honey and lemon.

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# Exercise Regularly

Physical activity has a long list of benefits, and better sleep is one of them. It works by enhancing the function and stability of your central nervous system. In fact, afternoon workouts are associated with significantly more slow-wave sleep, the kind that leaves you feeling well-rested.

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