Breathing Can Help You Loose Belly Fat In Just 10 Days

By: Sandeep Mon, 06 Nov 2017 11:48:17

Breathing Can Help you Loose Belly Fat in Just 10 Days

Belly fat is the most irritating accumulation of fat around the abdomen region. This is a dangerous health hazard because it can cause many internal problems. The most frequent problems faced by people with belly fat are high cholesterol, heart stroke, hypertension, heart attack, diabetes and many others. This belly fat is very stubborn and to shed and will often take many months or years to vanish.

You either need to go to the gym, do ab exercises and crunches or choose to do cardiovascular exercises along with a weight loss diet such as a simple 1200 calorie diet plan. But many of us don’t like to sweat it out in the gym, and the best and easy way to deal with your belly fat would be breathing exercises.

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# Diaphragm Breathing

For this to happen, you need to first lie down on your back. Start breathing and observe your chest and stomach move up and down. Continue breathing, but make your breathes deeper and deeper for each inhalation and exhalation. You can practice this style of breathing at any time of the day. If followed regularly, this breathing exercise will improve digestion and remove any unwanted fat around the stomach area. Eventually, this will cause weight retention.

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# Deep Breathes

To begin this exercise, you need to sit straight on the chair or the floor with your back to the wall. Place your palms on your lap and close your eyes. Stop thinking about everything and concentrate on your breathing. Breathe normally for the first 4 minutes. Meditate. Take deep breathes by counting from 1 to 4 while inhaling and 1 to 6 while exhaling. Repeat the same for another 10 minutes, you will surely feel refreshed and satisfied.

breathing exercises to loose weight,weight loose exercises,exercises,fitness tips,Health tips,healthy living

# Stimulating Breathing Exercise

Start by sitting straight on the chair, keep your mouth closed and relax. You need to count the numbers in face pace while you breathe. This breathing lays stress on your abdomen, chest and lungs. You need to perform this exercise for 15 minutes every day to shed your weight!

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# Belly Breathing

You can sit or a chair, lie on your back or even stand up straight. Your first step is to calm your mind and forget about all the worries and problems. Just let go of any thought that pops into your head. Place your hand on your tummy, your thumb should be near your belly button. Breathe deeply, make sure that your chest doesn’t rise, and allow your abdomen to expand.

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# Mouth Breathing

You can sit or stand or even lie down for this exercise. Open your mouth and breathe evenly and slowly through your mouth Inhale as you count silently up to 10. Your exhalation should take a longer time. So if you inhale for 2 seconds, exhale for 4 seconds. Do not force yourself too much, try to do as much as you can. Continue this three times, every day. If you are unable to inhale and exhale for a few seconds, you may be breathing fast. If you are standing, practice this exercise while sitting down.

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