6 Health Benefits Of Drinking Warm Water With Honey Lime Juice

By: Pinki Tue, 09 Jan 2024 4:42:34

6 Health Benefits of Drinking Warm Water With Honey Lime Juice

I'd heard a lot about the benefits of warm water with honey and a splash of lemon juice, especially for skin improvement, which intrigued me. After trying it, I've noticed remarkable changes in my skin—just as I'd hoped. But this concoction doesn't just stop at skin benefits; it's a powerhouse for overall health. From aiding digestion to detoxifying the body, promoting weight loss, and bolstering the immune system, this super drink offers a myriad of advantages. Before diving into its benefits, let's explore how to prepare this cleansing warm water, lemon, and honey elixir to rid the body of toxins.

How to prepare:

Take a glass of warm water, Pour a teaspoonful of honey and squeeze half lemon juice into it. Mix it well and drink it in the morning as soon as you leave your bed. After this do not eat or drink any other juice or beverage at least for an hour. If you don’t have honey on any day, go with the warm water and lemon juice only.

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# Flushes the toxins out

Do you know that this lemon juice drink flushes toxins out of the body? It stimulates the bowel movements and also increases the urine production, along with which toxins and other material leave the body. It keeps the excretory system in good condition and strengthens it to function optimally. It also removes uric acid from the body that causes swelling, plain and inflammation in the joints.

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# Helps in Digestion

When lemon juice is mixed with warm water and some honey, it boosts the bile product from the liver which aids in digestion of the food in a better way. It also makes the bowel movements smooth. It becomes a great drink to flush our toxins from the body and greatly helps in improving digestion. The water that we drink along with the lemon juice and honey actually makes the motion to pass smoothly.

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# Enhances the Immune System

Lemon is a very rich source of vitamin C (Ascorbic acid). Vitamin C keeps the gums, skin and other body system healthy. Vitamin C increases body’s immunity to ward of common problems like cold, cough, etc and is also anti inflammatory. Lemons are also high in potassium which is also responsible for controlling blood pressure. Potassium is also required for a lot of body’s proper functioning. This is the great benefits of taking warm water with honey and lime juice.

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# Hydrates the body

Now, there is no need to stress how important drinking water is for the body. Water hydrates the body cells and tissues for their proper functioning. When you take warm water with lemon juice and honey in the morning, it will hydrate your body and feel energized and more active throughout the day.

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# Makes skin clear

This was the major reason I had started Benefits of drinking warm water with honey and lime juice in the morning. The vitamin C presents in the lemon juice makes skin clear, keep skin young for a long time as Vitamin C gives an anti aging protection. Vitamin C is also a powerful antioxidant that flushes out toxins and free radicals from the body. Free body as associated with the skin and body aging and when the free radicals are removed by the antioxidants, skin remain younger for a longer time. Vitamin C makes skin radiant and glowing. As this drink keeps the intestine clean, that shows on the face as well in the form of radiant shine.

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# Good for gum and oral health

Vitamin C keeps the gums healthy and also protects teeth bleeding, scurvy and other gum related problems. It also keeps the mouth fresh and reduces the bad odor.

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