Running Or Walking, Know What Is Best?

By: Pinki Fri, 17 Nov 2017 3:14:35

Running or Walking, Know What is Best?

Exercising is an important aspect of living a healthy life, and adding 30 minutes of exercise a day has been proven to improve overall health and lower your risk for disease. Aerobic activity in particular is important for cardiovascular health. When most people think of aerobic activity, two kinds of exercise often come to mind: walking and running. The question is, which one is right for you? By comparing the benefits and effects of both, you can determine which one will work best for your health goals and lifestyle.

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# Why Walking Might be Right for You

Walking is a great form of exercise, especially for beginners. If you are just getting into an exercise routine, walking is a fantastic place to start. It eases you into aerobic activity while starting to build up endurance.

Walking is great for those with a significant amount of weight to lose, those who have suffered from previous injury or have other health concerns. Walking is lower impact than running and places less stress on your joints. For a calorie-burning bonus, walk hills outdoors or increase your incline on the treadmill.

benefits of running,benefits of running,fitness tips,Health tips,healthy living

# Why Running Might Be Right For You

Running is great for those with an aerobic fitness base. It is higher-impact than walking and therefore does place more stress on your joints. However, the impact also helps to prevent muscle and bone loss in your body, which is an advantage.

Running burns more calories in a shorter amount of time compared to walking and is one of the best ways to lose weight. If you’re just getting started, running and walking in intervals can help build stamina and increase your distance.

With running, there are a lot of ways to get involved in your local community as well, between running groups and local races. There is a huge feeling of camaraderie in the running community.

Before starting with either walking or running, you should consult with your healthcare provider to make sure you are fit to begin exercising or to change your routine. Once you do, keeping good form and wearing the proper shoes can help prevent injury. Make sure to stay hydrated, especially in the heat of summer or the bitter cold of winter. Most importantly, choose an activity you like! If you enjoy it, you’re far more likely to commit to exercising for the long term.

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