Season Of Cold And Fever Is Here, Home Remedies To Treat It

By: Pinki Thu, 02 Nov 2017 3:28:26

Season Of Cold and Fever is Here, Home Remedies To Treat It

After long months of scorching heat, finally monsoon is here and it is time to enjoy and splash some water. Although most of us are concerned about how to maintain our hair and skin during monsoon, rains work as the breeding ground for various kinds of viruses and bacteria that increases the occurrences of influenza, flu, colds and fever and taking over the counter pills and antibiotics is not always the best option as antibiotics often do more harm than good. Therefore, it is best to stick to age old grandmother’s home remedies that actually help in curing the diseases without taking a heavy toll on the body.

# Garlic

When it comes to fighting cold and fevers the natural way, there is probably no better medicine than garlic. Well known for its anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-viral and anti-protozoal properties, it helps in relieving stubborn coughs and clearing mucus that blocks the lungs. The anti-viral and anti-bacterial property of garlic is attributed to the compound “Allicin” found in it that also provides the hot and strong flavor. The best way to use garlic for treating colds is to crush 5-6 cloves and consume it raw. But it can also be consumed mixed with a cup of yogurt. In addition to all this, garlic also helps in lowering high blood pressure, cholesterol and reducing the chances of heart attack and stroke.

# Ginger

Ginger is one of the key medicines of Ayurveidic treatment and it has been used for centuries to treat various kinds of aliments. It helps in treating infections of the respiratory tract, persistent cough and bronchitis. The compound “Ajoene” present in garlic helps in controlling infections by bacteria, viruses and microbes. In addition, it also works as a natural preventive measure for cancer, more specifically colon cancer. It is also used for treating muscle cramps and muscle pain. Prepare delicious ginger tea by boiling water in a pan, grate one inch of fresh ginger and add it to the water along with 2 table spoon and lemon juice and one table spoon of honey and enjoy this soothing drink while relaxing in your bed.

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# Cinnamon

Cinnamon is a highly flavorful spice that is widely used in Asian and Mediterranean cooking and was considered of great value in Ancient Egypt. The anti-bacterial and natural warming property of cinnamon helps in treating sore throat, colds and cough and a nice warm cup of cinnamon tea can heal throat irritation, itching and can prevent the approach of an impending cold effectively. It also acts as a natural cure for bloating and gas, arthritis and reduces the symptoms of PMS. The best way to use cinnamon for treating cold and sore throat is to mix one table spoon of honey with 1/2 table spoon of freshly ground cinnamon and take it 2-3 times a day for 3 days.

# Hot Cayenne Pepper

Red hot cayenne pepper salsa are not only the perfect dip of chips and crackers it is also a great way of clearing nasal congestion and respiratory passages, sinuses and stimulating sweating to lower high body temperatures and fever. The source of this fiery heat lies in the compound “Capsaicin” found in majority of peppers. In addition, it is also an effective ingredient for natural weight loss, helps in lowering high blood pressure and reducing cholesterol in blood. The best way to use cayenne pepper for treating colds and fever is to mix it in tea with a table spoon of honey. Pour boiling water in a cup and dip a tea bag into it, mix a table spoon of honey and 1/2 tea spoon of dry cayenne pepper powder and sip slowly.

# Herbal and Green Tea

Health benefits of green tea are innumerable and there is absolutely nothing like relaxing with a cup of tea when suffering from cold, sore throat and runny nose. Herbal teas like chamomile or ginger tea and green tea have a special anti-oxidant known as EGCG (Epigallocatechin gallate) that prevents the bacteria and viruses form replicating. The polyphenols and flavonoids present in green tea helps in increasing the resistance power of the body by strengthening the immune system that helps in fighting infectious agents. The best way to reap maximum benefits from green tea is to pour boiling water into a cup and dip a bag of green tea into it and let it soak for 10 minutes, enjoy with a tea spoon of honey.

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