Valentines Special- 5 Food To Spice Up Your Romantic Night

By: Sandeep Thu, 08 Feb 2018 12:44:07

Valentines Special- 5 Food To Spice Up Your Romantic Night

Romantic Nights are one of those perfect nights to celebrate the feeling of love. Well, Valentines Day is round the corner and to plan a romantic date for a juicy connection you dont need to move out of house. Whether you are trying to entice a new love or rekindle a spark, there are some common ingredients lurking in your kitchen that could help get you both in the mood.

There are many foods that affect our bodies, brain chemistry. There are foods that increase our stamina and endurance. But what I am talking about today are foods that make us feel sexier, friskier, juicier. Yes, foods that improve your sex life.

* Honey

Honey is of the effective remedy that promote the production of testosterone in men and the mineral boron in honey has been shown to helps the body metabolize and use estrogen. For centuries honey has symbolized love and marriage. The word honeymoon comes from the idea that newly wed couples are to drink honey wine (mead) for a month in order to make a solid connection with each other. Honey has long been used in foods, elixirs, and cordials in order to evoke and increase sexual desire.

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* Chili Peppers

Chili peppers have long been known for their ability to spice up your foods, but did you know that they are good for your love life as well. Eating chili peppers can increase your heart rate, increase endorphins, raise your body temperature, and make you feel invigorated. Some claim to feel mild feelings of euphoria after consuming spicy peppers.

* Ginger

Because of it’s ability to create internal heat, ginger has long been used by lovers to “heat things up.” Ginger has a way of affecting us on a sensory level in many ways. The smell is invigorating. The warming properties gets our blood flowing. And the calming properties can soothe the digestive system and soothe tension. Ginger has been found in studies to boost fertility, increase sperm motility and viability, and to assist with impotence.

* Cinnamon

Cinnamon is a great analogy for love: spicy yet sweet. Cinnamon increase body temperature and circulation. Cinnamon increases libido by promoting general well-being. It is an anti-inflammatory, helps stabilize blood sugars, and increases appetite, both physical and sexual.

* Papaya

Papaya is estrogenic, meaning it has compounds that act as the female hormone estrogen. Papaya has been traditionally used by women to promote menstruation and milk production, facilitating childbirth, and increasing the female libido.

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