With You Even Your Vagina Is Growing OLD

By: Priyanka Maheshwari Fri, 27 Oct 2017 12:04:06

With You Even Your Vagina is Growing OLD

If you're not the kind of woman who regularly examines herself south of the border, you might not realize that, just like the rest of your body, your vagina is getting older. Of course, every woman - and every vagina is different. Everyone's timing for milestones like pregnancy or menopause differ, even among sisters. In general, though, here's what you can expect.

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1. During 30-39
Women using birth control pills in this decade (or before, or after!) might find themselves with a little vaginal dryness, Dweck says, possibly because the pill stops ovulation, which might limit natural lubrication around that time each month. Another cause is complicated and a bit controversial. We think some women may get more vulvar dryness with birth control pills because the pills are blocking male sex hormones called androgens, and the vulva has androgen receptors. We think some women may get more vulvar dryness with birth control pills because the pills are blocking male sex hormones called androgens, and the vulva has androgen receptors. However, muscle and nerve damage can also occur due to the amount of force put on the pelvic floor muscles during pregnancy and labor.

2. During 40-49
If you've been a slave to pubic hair removal, you might start to notice the effects of constant waxing or shaving in the form of pigment or skin changes. Your hair down there might also start to thin around this decade, possibly as a natural consequence of getting older or due to declining estrogen. That estrogen drop signals the perimenopausal transition that's likely to begin in this decade, as most women usually reach menopause somewhere between the ages of 50 and 52. You might notice the beginnings of vaginal dryness or changes in elasticity.

3. During 50-59
Menopause brings with it the most noticeable vaginal and vulvar changes, not to mention the ones women are most likely to bring to the attention of their doctors, Faubion says. Dwindling estrogen leads to thinner, less elastic, drier vulvar and vaginal tissue, which can make sex feel like using sandpaper and cause irritation that makes you feel like you need to pee. If you were to gaze at your privates with the help of a hand mirror, you might notice some obvious changes to the look of your vulva in this decade, as women lose fat and collagen that was there when estrogen was aplenty.

4. During 60-69
If you were to gaze at your privates with the help of a hand mirror, you might notice some obvious changes to the look of your vulva in this decade, as women lose fat and collagen that was there when estrogen was aplenty and if you're not taking steps to remedy those problems, you might find yourself in a vicious cycle. When sex hurts for women after menopause, there's this involuntary reaction. You anticipate having painful sex, and then your pelvic floor muscles spasm to protect you. Your brain is saying, 'This is going to hurt,' "—and then it most certainly does. Believe it or not, while many of us are busy Kegeling away, some women might need physical therapy to loosen pelvic floor muscles.

At any age, if any of these changes concern you or are making you physically uncomfortable, don't shy away from talking about it, whether you broach the topic with your ob-gyn, your regular doc, or a nurse practitioner. Women need to be their own advocate. If it doesn't sound like a medical provider wants to talk about this or feels comfortable with it, go see someone else.

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