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5 Tales Of Terrorism That Will Give You Goosebumps

By: Sandeep Tue, 31 Oct 2017 1:11:46

5 Tales of Terrorism That Will Give You Goosebumps

We live on a beautiful planet but in an ugly world. It is aesthetic with all it’s serenity yet grotesque because of terror. When trees are chopped like cutlets, it is terrorism. When little hands are made to hold begging bowls, it is terrorism. When autonomy to express is snatched, it is terrorism. When demands are fulfilled at gunpoint, it is terrorism. When innocent souls have to do away with their lives, it is terrorism. Terrorism has no religion yet is done in the name of religion. Nothing can ever justify terrorism; it can never be accepted. Below are a handful tales of terrorism that will give you goosebumps.

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# World Trade Centre Attack

Terrorist attacks can shake the foundations of our biggest buildings, but they cannot touch the foundation of America. These acts shatter steel, but they cannot dent the steel of American resolve., said George W. Bush at 9 p.m. from Oval Office after this lethal attack on 9/11. Not just one, four planes of American Airlines were hijacked by Taliban terrorists. While two of these went past the 110 floor tower, puncturing it, one of them ploughed into the Pentagon. The fourth one rammed into a field in Pennsylvania. All this mania claimed lives of 343 innocent humans and those who were fortunate enough to live, went through Post Traumatic Disorder. Whilst many civilians died inside the skyscraper, some passengers died inside the plane and a few died from the heavy building debris showering on streets. This attack will always remain a dent in American Security Services.

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# Bali Bombing

Imagine yourself in a nightclub, grooving to crazy beats, sipping your tequila. Suddenly out of nowhere, an uncanny man enters with a backpack and then what awaits is the most dreaded of the things- a bomb blast. That was what exactly happened in Paddy’s Pub, Bali on October 22, 2002. The militants belonged to the extremist group- Jemaah Islamiah. This blast took lives of citizens of 21 countries around the globe, including 88 Australians, 39 Indonesians and 28 Britons. One of the plotters remarked that Bali was bombed because it was frequently visited by American tourists. Initially it was planned to be executed on 11th September to mark the anniversary of 9/11. This carefree hangout place was rocked to it’s core that night, the barring music changed into clamouring sirens and the visitors looking forward to an amazing night vowed never to return.

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# Beslan, Russia

Classes were being held, it was all peaceful, students running ajure in playground, teachers sprinkling rays of knowledge on pupils and as the minute changed, classrooms became battlefield, students still ran but for their lives and instead of knowledge, bullets were showered. This is a snapshot of what happened in School Number One on the first day of the session, traditionally called “First Bell”, and continued for three days. Since it was the “Knowledge Day”, many parents visited the school and hence the number of people was also more. So technically, it was the ideal day for propagating terror. The aftermath was death of 330 people, mostly children. A Chechen liberation group was behind this atrocious act. This assault resulted in a number of legislative changes in Russia, which hasn’t witnessed any such attack since then.

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# Al Qahtaniyah, Iraq, Bombing

The milieu had debris on ground, darkness in sky and shrieks in the air. There were rescue forces and corpses, superficial above and latent below the debris.The governor of Nineveh province, Duraid Kashmoula, said on a visit to the scene: “This is a catastrophe that cannot be described in words.”the governor of Nineveh province, Duraid Kashmoula said. What exactly happened that was heinous. Two trucks rammed over huts at the stroke of midnight when denizens were peacefully having their night’s sleep. Neither children nor senior citizens, they exempted none. This attack was a means of revenge from Sunni Muslims from Yazidi community after they pelted stones at a Sunni boy for marrying a Yazidi girl.

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# 26/11 Mumbai Attacks

The shores were always busy with vendors calling out to customers, children playing, lovers cuddling and senior citizens strolling. Nobody had ever thought that the same shore will become the ground zero of terror, until when it became. Terrorists shipped themselves into the metropolitan city of Mumbai and went on a violent spree. They were 10 in number instigating an equal number of attacks. They started by bombing a cafe, then Chhatrapati Shivaji Railway Station. As if the havoc wasn’t enough they headed towards Taj Hotel and The Oberoi Trident, concluding this series with Cama Hospital and Nariman House. This devilish act took lives of 164 people and injured 600 including many tourists. Reminiscing that day is enough to send shivers of pain through city.

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