6 Types Of Friends We Have On Road Trip

By: Pinki Tue, 11 Apr 2017 3:10:26

6 Types of friends we have on Road Trip

We all have different kinds of friends in our group. We all share a different souls.
We all must have partied a lot with our friends but lucky are those who get to experience road trip with their friends. Road trips are one of the most amazing feelings to be experience and i would say if you have not experienced it you must plan for it asap. While going on a road trip we have our gang or friends with their friends, and every road trip experiences a different types of groups, and in every group  we have different kind of people. Let`s read out what all kind of people we see in group-

Foodie one

holidays,Road trip,6 types of friends we have on road trip,kind of friends we see on road trip,road trip with friends,traveling

There is that one friend who remains hungry all the time.

The Drunkard one

holidays,Road trip,6 types of friends we have on road trip,kind of friends we see on road trip,road trip with friends,traveling

The one who is only looking up for drinks.

The Padosi of Driver

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He is the one who doesn`t drive but keep on guiding the driver how to drive and all.

The sleeping one

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This friend can sleep in any amount of noise and any position.

The Musician

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He keeps entertaining all the other friends with his taste of music.

The Status updater one

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Every single step taken by him need to be updated on social media.

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