5 Tips To Keep Your Bedroom Organized

By: Sandeep Thu, 01 Feb 2018 08:22:16

5 Tips To Keep Your Bedroom Organized

Keeping up with the daily house keeping can be a drag, but it doesn’t have to take up all your time. I feel that keeping a clean home is less about the time involved, and more about creating some good habits that you {eventually!} start to just follow instinctively. Yes, there are still times that things get crazy and I’m not able to always follow through with the daily cleaning, but, for the most part, I do try to follow these 5 habits to keep a house clean and tidy.

* Start by Making the Bed

I know some people think that making the bed is a waste of time, but it really makes a big difference in how tidy the room looks and only takes a couple of minutes. Plus, I think it starts off the day well and I love climbing into a made bed at the end of the day. To make things easier, simplify your bedding as much as possible.

* Do One Load of Laundry Per Day

Now, depending on how many loads you typically do per week, you may not need to do this every day, but, for us, we definitely go through at least 7 loads of laundry per week. Try to get in the habit of putting in one load of laundry first thing in the morning. If you work outside of the home and won’t have a chance to dry it before your leave, put your machine on delay {if you have this as a feature} so it will be ready to put in the dryer when you get home.

tips to organize bedroom,household tips,tips to keep bedroom clean

* Prioritize

Not all cleaning is created equal. Make a list of what you would like to get done and then prioritize what needs to be done and what can wait until the next day or two. Given the time that you have available, write down your top 2 or 3 {realistic!} cleaning goals and stick with these before attempting to do other things. I always used to hate writing out lists but I find that it really helps me to stay focused.

* Get the Whole Family Involved

This is one that I have really tried to work on lately. Yes, it is often actually easier to just do the job yourself, but spending the time to teach your children to do age appropriate jobs will be better in the long run for both of you. Start by just working on having your kids pick up after themselves – putting their coat and shoes away when they come in the house, putting dishes in the dishwasher, cleaning their room, etc. – and add in other chores as able.

* Do a 15 Minute Nightly Clean-up

Make it a routine to do a family 15 minute nightly clean-up. For some reason it doesn’t seem quite so bad to clean up when everyone else is doing the same thing. Put on the timer and just stick with the top cleaning priorities

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