Recipe- Try Winter Food Makki Ki Roti

By: Pinki Thu, 19 Dec 2019 1:54:37

Recipe- Try Winter Food Makki Ki Roti

Makki Ki Roti a winter staple in North India. This flatbread is gluten-free and is made with corn flour.The roti is traditionally served with Sarson ka saag! It’s one of my favorite things to enjoy in winters.


2 cups makki atta, maize flour/corn flour, 250 grams
1/2 teaspoon salt
pinch ajwain, carom seeds
hot water, as needed to knead the dough and roll the roti, around 1.5-1.75 cups

makki ki roti,winter food recipe,makki recipe


* In a bowl mix together makki ka atta, salt and ajwain.

* Start adding water, little by little. Mix to incorporate the hot water into the flour. Add around 1 1/4 (10 oz) cups at this point, you may do this with a spoon and leave it for 5 minutes.

* Don't knead the dough at this point. Leave it for 5 minutes.

* After 5 minutes, add more hot water (remaining 1/4 to 1/2 cup) little by little and start kneading.

* Knead to form a soft dough. You may need more or less water depending on the type of flour you have.

* Let the dough rest for 10 mins then divide dough into 6 equal parts (around 90-95 grams each).

makki ki roti,winter food recipe,makki recipe

* Take one dough ball and wet you hands with hot water. Using the heel of your hand knead the dough ball again. This will make the dough pliable.

* Now roll the dough between you hands by moving the top hand in circular motion (remember to grease your hands with water).

* I roll like this until I have a circle of around 2.5 inches diameter.

* At this point, I transfer the dough to a sheet of parchment paper. Remember to have some anti-slip sheet beneath the parchment so that it doesn't slip as you roll the roti.

* Using wet hands again start rolling the roti on the parchment paper. Keep pressing and patting the dough and move the parchment paper around to roll it from all sides.

* You don't have to roll it thin, it should be little thick.

* You may use a rolling pin too here, whatever you prefer. I just do with my hands since I like the look of the rotis better when I pat and roll with hands. Roll until it reaches a diameter of 7-8 inches.

* Heat a tawa on medium heat and place the rolled roti on it. You may add little oil or ghee to the tawa before you place the roti on it.

* If you are afraid that it will break while you lift it from the parchment paper, simply put the roti with the paper directly on the tawa (with the paper side up) and then carefully peel the parchment paper from the top.

* Cook the roti until one side has brown spots on it and then flip and cook the other side as well.

* Once my roti is cooked, I like to transfer it directly on heat to give it that charred look. I roast from both side until it gets little charred.

* This step is optional and you may skip it.

* Cook all the rotis similarly. Apply ghee on rotis before serving.

* Serve Makki ki Roti with sarson ka saag, butter and jaggery. Yum!

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