Recipe - Market-Style Bourbon Biscuits

By: Pinki Fri, 09 June 2023 11:06:16

Recipe - Market-Style Bourbon Biscuits

Bourbon cookies are a classic cookie favourite, and you can now reproduce that delectable market-style flavour right in your own home. These crispy chocolate sandwich cookies with a thick, creamy bourbon filling go great with a cup of tea or coffee. In this article, we'll guide you through the preparation and cooking process for making your very own market-style Bourbon biscuits. Get ready to indulge in the irresistible flavors of these homemade treats!

Preparation Time: 20 minutes
Cooking Time: 12-15 minutes
Yields: Approximately 20 biscuits

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200g all-purpose flour
30g unsweetened cocoa powder
150g unsalted butter, softened
100g granulated sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 tablespoon milk

Bourbon Filling:
100g icing sugar
50g unsalted butter, softened
1 teaspoon Bourbon vanilla extract

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Preparing the Biscuit Dough:

- In a mixing bowl, sift together the all-purpose flour and cocoa powder. Set aside.
- In a separate bowl, cream together the softened butter and granulated sugar until light and fluffy.
- Add the vanilla extract to the butter-sugar mixture and mix well.
- Gradually add the flour-cocoa mixture to the butter-sugar mixture and combine until a smooth dough forms.
- If the dough feels too dry, add a tablespoon of milk and mix until it comes together.

Shaping the Biscuits:

- Preheat your oven to 180°C (350°F) and line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
- Roll out the dough on a lightly floured surface to a thickness of about 1/4 inch.
- Using a round cookie cutter or the rim of a glass, cut out biscuit rounds and transfer them onto the prepared baking sheet.
- Use a fork to create the classic Bourbon biscuit pattern by gently pressing it into each biscuit.

Baking the Biscuits:

- Place the baking sheet in the preheated oven and bake for 12-15 minutes or until the biscuits are firm to the touch.
- Remove the biscuits from the oven and let them cool on a wire rack.

Preparing the Bourbon Filling:

- In a bowl, combine the icing sugar, softened butter, and Bourbon vanilla extract.
- Beat the mixture until smooth and creamy.

Assembling the Bourbon Biscuits:

- Once the biscuits have cooled completely, take one biscuit and spread a generous amount of the Bourbon filling on the flat side.
- Gently press another biscuit on top to create a sandwich, allowing the filling to spread to the edges.
- Repeat this process for all the remaining biscuits.

Serving and Storage:

- Your homemade Market-Style Bourbon Biscuits are ready to be enjoyed! Serve them with a hot beverage of your choice.
- Store the biscuits in an airtight container at room temperature for up to a week, although they are likely to be devoured well before then!

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