10 AWKWARD Situations We All Have Been Through

By: Pinki Thu, 06 July 2017 8:06:00

10 AWKWARD Situations We All Have Been Through

Life is a roller coaster ride. You experience ample of things and be in situations that bring out your happiness or sadness. No matter at what place you are many times it so happen that you get in some UN-comfortable situations and you become clueless about how to step back. Here we have a list of situations that has made you feel UN-comfortable at one or the other place.

have you ever thought of or have been

1. Sitting in office, you are busy with your work and suddenly your Boss steps in and sits next to you, it makes it un-easy for you work in that same flow.

2. Alone at home, you decided to watch porn have some relaxation. While being in the flow of porn, some random person knocks the door and you have to change the whole scene gets you in trouble.

3. When you were masterbating, and someone notices you. That is a very awkward situation for both the one doing and the one who has watched you.

4. You are enjouying sex with your partner in your room and suddenly when you are in middle of it some family member calls you out, gets you in un-comfortable situation.

5. When you are the alone girl standing at bus stop during evening hours.

have you ever thought of or have been

6. Sitting/standing in bus and being surrounded by standing next to someone who has no ethics.

7. When you are working in your late night shift but you are alone of your gender.

8. Love for white can never go down, but it gets you in uncomfortable situation when it starts to rain and you are out.

9. When a girl has to buy alcohol during rush hours or from a place which least prone to girls drinking.

10. You are getting out of washroom and a person of opposite sex is just standing outside to curiosity to get in.

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