12 Easy Tips For You To Be A Good Mother

By: Pinki Sun, 09 Aug 2020 7:55:21

12 Easy Tips For You To Be a Good Mother

Being a new mom, one of my hobbies now is studying practical ways on how to be an effective mother. I now understand why many moms are easily anxious—well, we just want the best for our babies, right?

For all the mothers out there who want to improve their parenting strategies, let me share with you some tips to be a good mom or even the best mom for your precious children.

* Be healthy

Yes, as mothers, we always put the health of our children first. However, come to think of it—if we became sick and weak, how could we take care of our babies? Therefore, as much as we protect the health of our kids, let us not take our own for granted. Let us eat right, get as much sleep as we can, be physically active, and take multivitamins, if necessary.

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* Consult experts for children’s proper health care

It is a good thing to be surrounded by experienced mothers who are generous in giving parenting advice. However, when it comes to our kids’ health and safety concerns, it is best if we consult healthcare providers first before following their tips. For instance, if our child got sick, we should immediately go to their pediatrician rather than give them any medicine advised by concerned parents.

* Make time for your kids

Whether as a full-time or a working mom, we must remember that our main responsibility now is raising our children to become good citizens and reach their highest potential. Thus, no matter how busy we are, let us set aside time to personally take care of their needs, bond with them regularly, and be present whenever they need us.

* Limit their exposure to gadgets

Most kids these days are stuck with cellphones, computers, and other gadgets—which can be harmful to their well-being. This phenomenon is blamed by experts to be one of the culprits of obesity, poor social skill, and even mental problems, like depression, among Generation Z children.

Let us stop these from happening to our kids by limiting their gadgets and internet exposure. Instead, let us encourage them to meet with friends, play more outdoor games, and participate in physical activities.

* Set house rules and be firm with them

Just like how important it is to be systematic in running any organization, we need to have a system at home as well. This will help us discipline our children and train them to be responsible. For example, we could set a rule that bans television watching during weekdays, so they could focus on their studies. Having a curfew, especially for minors, is also a good idea.

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* Instill discipline into them

In connection to no. 4, it is important that we make our children understand the need for discipline. Personally, I believe that a little spanking can help kids grow up more responsible. We should also use conditioning to train them up, like giving them a reward for getting good grades at school or not allowing them to play outside unless they have helped clean the house.

* Teach them to be respectful

We don’t want our children to grow up impolite—like bluntly talking back to those older than them or not even greeting their teachers. Good manners start at home, so it is our responsibility to teach them to be courteous and respectful. Let us teach them to honor their parents, seniors, and authorities, and to respect the beliefs and opinions of others.

* Don’t pressure them to achieve something

Yes, it would be great if our kids would always top their classes and bring home medals. However, not all children are academically inclined. If we pressure them to get perfect scores all the time, they might end up hating school with low self-esteem as a result of failing our expectations.

Instead of using pressure, let us encourage our children to love learning and value excellence. Explain to them the benefits of getting good grades and participating in class rather than scaring them with punishments and scolds for not doing well.

* Train them to be responsible

As early as possible, let us train our children to be responsible. One way to do this is by teaching and assigning them household chores. We should also encourage them to have a study habit and submit their school requirements on time.

good mother,tips to be a good mother,parenting tips,relationship tips

* Allow them to explore

If we want our kids to grow up independent, smart, resourceful, and creative, then we should let them explore their environment. Let them play in the woods, meet new people, have summer jobs, join field trips, and go camping.

Yes, it is possible that there will be heartaches, failures, disappointments, and even dangers along the way. However, if we would not allow them to be exposed to these, how could they be ready for the harsh reality of life? The best that we can do is guide and supervise them on these adventures.

* Provide avenues for them to develop their passion

To help our children reach their highest potentials, we need to support their passion and talents. We can encourage them to join clubs or attend workshops that will help them improve their skills. Let them know that you are proud of what they can do.

* Be a role model for them

If we want our kids to grow up as well-mannered and responsible individuals with integrity, then we better show them how to be one. This is the hardest part of being a mother. Our children look up to us, so we need to behave as how we would want them to be. The best way to teach them is through our example.

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