4 Intimacy Tips For Couples Married From Years

By: Sandeep Fri, 26 Jan 2018 07:25:13

4 Intimacy Tips for Couples Married From Years

You tied the knot years ago, the honeymoon phase is way back in the rearview mirror, and your sex life has stagnated. Sound familiar? If this is you, read on to find sex tips for husband-wife sex. Approach this information with an open mind, apply what you feel is appropriate for your relationship, and soon you will regain the spark that has dimmed over time in your husband and wife sex dynamics.

* Exercise

This tip is indirect but can create numerous benefits when it comes time for you and your lady to get intimate. For one, any improved muscle or cardiovascular endurance will make less it physically demanding, therefore more enjoyable. You don’t want to be trying to catch your breath as you make love to your wife. Hop on a treadmill or hit the weights to give your physical presence in bed a boost.

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* Expand Your Horizons

Sex is not just about the land down under. There’s plenty of other areas of your lady’s body that can rev her engine. Spend some extra time kissing her neck, nibbling her nipples, or licking her ear. Don’t just go straight from Point A (her mouth) to Point B (her vagina) without exploring the terrain between. Build the anticipation by taking your time as you head from top to bottom. The more predictable your actions, the more she can expect your next move.

* Get Curious

Alright, you’ve been married for years and have become accustomed to the same old sex routine. You put the kids to sleep, watch one of your favorite shows together, and then walk through the same step by step sexual experience that you and your man have been “enjoying” for years. But there’s more to what meets the eye, in wife and husband sex scene and you need to explore it.

* Let him know what turns you on

If your man is doing something right, let him know. The female orgasm is like a puzzle, some harder to solve than others. If you know your guy is heading in the right direction, speak up and make sure he knows that he’s on the right track. Give him some praise for finding a spot on your body that is making your toes curl.

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