5 New Year Resolutions New Mom's Should Swear By

By: Pinki Fri, 27 Dec 2019 10:40:05

5 New Year Resolutions New Mom's Should Swear By

It’s time to welcome the new year and with that comes New Year’s resolutions, which hardly last for a week. Every time, you think that it’s a new year and its time to make a difference, but it turns into a “I’ll start from Monday” which never comes.

* Seek Help

You won’t be considered any less if you seek help. Get your family, friends, and partner involved in taking care of the baby. It is okay if someone else puts the baby to sleep, changes the diaper, or makes a meal. You don’t have to do it all.

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* Involve the Father

Don’t forget that you are a team. Fathers want to be involved in taking care of the baby, but often they don’t know what to do as the mother takes care of everything. Let them calm the baby, give medicine to them, or change the diaper. Slowly, he will be as good as you are in taking care of the baby’s needs. Just be patient and let the magic work.

* Go Easy on Yourself

Whether you are a working mom or a full-time mom, you don’t need to be a perfect mom. Instead of following the traditional notions of raising kids and exceeding all the expectations, find your comfort zone with the baby. Do what is right for you and your baby. Focus on being a happy mom rather than a perfect mom as a happy mom will be able to raise a happy baby.

new mom,new year resolutions for new mom,new year resolutions,parenting tips,kids care tips

* Get Some ‘Me’ Time

Mothers are always running behind the baby and taking care of the house. Take a break, breathe, and relax. Don’t lose yourself in being the ideal mom and wife. Take out time for yourself. Go to a salon or book an appointment at home. Watch your favourite show or order your favourite food. Dress up even if you are not going out. Do those little things that get you in touch with yourself.

* Disconnect to Connect

We want to connect with people who are away from us and technology has made it very simple these days. But what about the people present in the room? Keep your phone away and have a real conversation with your family and spend some quality time.

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