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5 Rules To Remember Of Being Friends With Benefits

By: Pinki Thu, 12 Dec 2019 4:57:38

5 Rules To Remember of Being Friends With Benefits

To avoid confusion, awkwardness, and disappointments in friends with benefits arrangement, here are the do’s and don’ts to keep in mind.

* Don’t spend the night

Spending the night is intimate and it’s a thing couples do. You two aren’t a couple. Get up, take a shower, and go home to your own bed. You guys are in it for the fun and the casual sex. Don’t get in the habit of acting more like a couple than a couple of friends.

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* Don’t be clingy

This is a friendship, not a relationship. Leaving a change of clothes or toothbrush at his place is highly discouraged, as is giving him grief if he has plans, a date, or has to cancel on you. Once you become a stage 5 clinger, the fun is done.

* Don’t get mad if he meets someone

He is not your boyfriend. He’s allowed to date, tinder stalk, or Facebook friend anyone he wants. If you find out he’s interested in someone, that’s okay, he’s not cheating on you. You’re free to date anyone you want, too.

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* Avoid romantic gestures

To avoid confusing one another, don’t be romantic. Don’t go on dates, cuddle, hold hands, or tell your friends how much you like each other. Avoid mixed feelings by not doing things that will arouse them. Keep things platonic… well, outside of the bedroom.

* Be Honest

If you do start to have feelings for them, or think that they have feelings for you- be upfront about it. Hiding your emotions will only ensure that someone gets hurt in the end. You’ll either start dating or break it off, but either way, you’ve spared you both the complication of ruining things with emotions later on.

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