5 Signs That Love Is Missing From Your Marriage

By: Pinki Sun, 26 Jan 2020 11:40:38

5 Signs That Love is Missing From Your Marriage

Love is the most important reason for two people to get married. Marriage is a lifetime commitment, and it needs a lot of love, among other things, to work. But sometimes, couples commit too early without understanding why they love each other, or the love fades away after a few years of togetherness. Without love, there are just two bickering adults, trapped in an unhappy relationship, without a clue about what to do.

* You’d rather speak to your friends than your partner

If you prefer talking to others more than to each other, chances are you are not as intimate or comfortable as you’ve been before. You could have the nastiest of fights, but that must not make you hate each other or turn towards other people for love and support. And if you find yourselves harboring negative feelings towards each other after every argument or fight, then take it as a sign of the absence of love.

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* You ignore each other during difficult times

The beauty of being in a loving relationship is the trust that you will have in each other, even during turbulent times. But, in a loveless marriage, you will end up handling the difficult things all by yourself. Trying to reach out to your partner could only result in you being called overly dependent or overbearing. Ultimately, you conclude that your significant other is not worth relying upon during difficult times.

* You keep fighting over the same things

Another glaring sign of a loveless marriage is that both of you cannot agree on anything. You fight on and on about the same issues and end up hating each other. This steady toxic flow could be a symptom of deep resentment towards each other. Such negative feelings will ultimately erode your marital relationship.

signs of loveless marriage,marriage tips,couple tips,fights among couple

* You both do not respect each other. Respect is as important as love

When you respect someone, you are cautious about how your actions affect them. You have positive feelings for them, and this pursues you to make compromises and amends for your partner.

* You try to avoid instead of addressing the issues

In a loveless marriage, the issues are like the elephant in the room. Both of you know you should address them, but neither of you wants to, probably because of previous failed attempts to discuss rationally. You try to distract yourselves with other things. You try to distract yourselves with other things.

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