8 Ways To Be Extra Sweet To Each Other

By: Kratika Tue, 21 June 2022 11:04:42

8 Ways To Be Extra Sweet To Each Other

The Sweetest Day isn’t just something you create but an actual holiday on the third Saturday in October, the halfway point until Valentine’s Day. Having a few sweetest day ideas that’ll help you celebrate your love will make the day extra special.

Whether you’ve heard of this underrated holiday or not, you can make it count. Plus, there is no need to hold out until the actual day. You can make any day sweet with these sweetest day ideas.

Love is such a fun, important part of our lives. It’s one of the only things we search for forever until we find that special person. And that means they’re super important to us, and we need to appreciate them appropriately

ways to be extra sweet to each other,relationship tips,mates and me

# Make them breakfast in bed

There’s not much that shows your appreciation for your partner more than making them breakfast in bed. Before they’re up, sneak away and put together their favorite breakfast meal. Make it a sweet treat with some strawberries and maybe some chocolate for a bit of an aphrodisiac. *WINK WINK* [Read: How to keep the love alive in a relationship]

# Go for a walk in the park

One of the simplest Sweetest Day ideas is to just go for a walk in the park to celebrate your love for them. If you live in an area where the leaves have changed and it’s a beautiful site, make the most of it. Hold hands and enjoy the fresh air.

# Relive your first date

And don’t tell them what you’re doing, make it a surprise. See if they can guess that you’re actually recreating the very first date the two of you went on. It’ll be super romantic and significant. Having this as one of your sweetest day ideas will mean so much to your partner.

# Go on a picnic

Being outdoors, in general, is really nice and adding some delicious food will only make it better. You can go on a charming, intimate date really cheaply if you opt for a picnic.

Pack their favorite foods, maybe even some champagne, and this will quickly become one of your favorite sweetest day ideas.

ways to be extra sweet to each other,relationship tips,mates and me

# Take a brewery or winery tour

There’s not much more fun than getting a bit tipsy together. If you’re both big connoisseurs of all things alcohol, this is the best bet for you. You get to learn a little something, indulge a bit, and bond over something you enjoy.

# Make a scavenger hunt for each other

This is not only really fun, but you can also get a lot done in one night. Each of you can make a separate scavenger hunt for the other and see who can finish theirs first.

This could be hilarious. It could include friends and family. Or it can be sweet, romantic, and intimate.

# Get a couple’s massage

If you just want to kick back and relax and make your lover feel great, get a couple’s massage. What could be a better sweetest day idea than getting rubbed down into pure relaxation? You’ll both walk out feeling incredible, appreciated, and refreshed.

# Play some board games

When the weather’s not that great, playing board games can be a great alternative to going out. Grab a few drinks and spend the night enjoying each other’s company while also reliving some childhood fun. A little bit of friendly competition can ignite that passion between the two of you.

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