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14 Biggest Early Warning Signs Of A Bad Boyfriend To Lookout For

By: Pinki Wed, 09 Aug 2023 5:16:32

14 Biggest Early Warning Signs of a Bad Boyfriend To Lookout For

When you initially fell in love with your partner, you might have perceived him as the most wonderful boyfriend imaginable. He courted you, amazed you, and left a lasting impression. However, as time progressed from days to months, a shift began to occur. He appeared more distant, or perhaps even worse, he no longer prioritized spending time with you. If you've encountered this phase in your relationship, it might be an opportune moment to delve deeper into the dynamics of your connection and determine whether he exhibits several indicators of being an unsuitable boyfriend.

It's essential to acknowledge that during the initial stages of meeting someone, we tend to showcase our best selves. Those initial months can't be taken purely at face value. Although it's still an authentic representation of who they are, it's natural for the heightened charm and attentiveness to taper off somewhat afterward. However, this shouldn't result in a drastic transformation.

If he has stopped allocating time for you or seems uninterested in making time, it's crucial to initiate introspection about the entirety of the relationship.

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# He takes his time to reply

Frequently, he doesn't promptly respond to your calls, even when he's not occupied with work. Additionally, he consistently takes an extended period to reply to your texts or return your calls, even during his free moments. This behavior manifests as one of the initial indicators of a problematic boyfriend, as it tends to emerge early on, potentially establishing the relationship's tone through this pattern.

# He takes you for granted

He overlooks both you and your actions, presuming that you'll always be kind and supportive without ever returning the favor. There's an absence of reciprocity for your efforts, and even a simple 'thank you' is absent.

# He has no, or very little, time for you

He consistently prioritizes his friends and other pursuits over spending time with you. Despite being engaged in frivolous social media activities, he fails to allocate time to call or meet you.

He frequently arranges plans with you but frequently cancels them, and he invariably presents a persuasive excuse regardless of the accusation you raise. This behavior stands out as one of the most significant indications of a problematic boyfriend.

# All he wants to do is make out

On every occasion you're together, his primary focus is solely on engaging in physical intimacy. He becomes irritated if you express a desire to converse or engage in different activities while spending time together.

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# He’s emotionally closed off

An early indication of an unsuitable partner is his lack of enthusiasm for discussing the future or expressing his emotions. He may claim to relish living in the present, yet he readily formulates future plans pertaining to various aspects of life while sidestepping discussions about the relationship.

# He has a lot of secrets

A substantial portion of these concealed matters involves the names of various girls. He might be leaving comments, sending direct messages, or engaging in conversations with them through social media or occasional phone calls.

Even when you inquire about the identities of these girls or the nature of his relationship with them, he either dismisses the conversation or evades discussing their details.

# He’s controlling and manipulative

He displays a significant level of care for your well-being and consistently attempts to offer guidance on the path you should take in life. Despite his seemingly supportive intentions, you find yourself experiencing a sense of constraint and suffocation within the relationship.

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# He’s in touch with his ex, despite how you feel about it

Is your boyfriend maintaining consistent communication with his ex-partner without any evident justification? Despite lacking professional or group interactions, he maintains that they share a strong friendship.

Curiously, he doesn't appear eager for you to accompany him whenever he interacts with his ex. Despite being aware of your sentiments, he continues to meet with them. After all, they are just friends, aren't they?

# He’s a smooth late-night talker

He engages in frequent conversations with other girls, often extending into late hours of the night. Initially, this might seem innocuous, but conversations between attractive individuals of opposite genders during late hours often tend to evolve into flirtatious interactions or emotional entanglements. It's advisable to steer clear of such situations.

Communicate your discomfort with his habit of regularly conversing with another girl late at night. If he genuinely values your feelings, he should comprehend your concerns and make the necessary adjustments.

# It’s always about him

The dialogues with your boyfriend consistently center around his own matters and challenges. Your issues or life don't seem to interest him, as he frequently interrupts or redirects the conversation when you attempt to discuss yourself.

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# He blames you

He consistently holds you responsible for his errors, deficiencies, and setbacks whenever the opportunity arises. For instance, he might say something like, "If I hadn't met you last night, I could have completed my work today!"

# It’s his way or the highway

He endeavors to exert dominance or exercise control over you, dictating your every action. He consistently assumes the role of decision-maker in your shared activities. If you opt for an alternative course of action, his response often includes anger or prolonged periods of sulking.

# He’s abusive

He endeavors to exert dominance or exercise control over you, dictating your every action. He consistently assumes the role of decision-maker in your shared activities. If you opt for an alternative course of action, his response often includes anger or prolonged periods of sulking.

# He can’t get along with your friends or family

A man who genuinely values your relationship would always strive to create a positive impression on your family and friends, seeking their approval of his character and intentions.

On the contrary, your friends harbor reservations about his character.

Amidst the intoxication of love, emotional clarity can be obscured. However, true friends often possess the foresight to foresee the potential end of a relationship long before it actually occurs. Hence, if those close to you offer insights, it's prudent to heed their perspective. Even if they don't overtly express disapproval of your boyfriend, be attentive to subtle cues during conversations about him with them.

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