6 Reasons Why Your Friends Might Be Flaky

By: Pinki Tue, 05 Mar 2024 1:53:39

6 Reasons Why Your Friends Might Be Flaky

The individuals you choose to surround yourself with wield significant influence over your life. They possess the power to either enrich it with positivity or burden it with difficulty, potentially leading to unhappiness.

Having unreliable friends can significantly disrupt and diminish your quality of life, particularly if you struggle to navigate such relationships.

Once you discern what aligns best with your well-being, your life can experience a remarkable upswing. However, making the decision between maintaining connections with unreliable friends or severing ties with them can be challenging.

Hence, it's essential to understand the dynamics of unreliable friendships and how to navigate them effectively to prioritize your happiness. Simply put, a flaky friend is someone who consistently arrives late to plans or fails to follow through on commitments. They may ask you to contact them at a specific time but then fail to answer when you do.

Essentially, they're unavailable when you need them. While occasional tardiness or missed calls might be forgivable due to genuine busyness, there are instances when it becomes evident that a flaky friend's behavior is intolerable. Their consistent unreliability and absence in times of need raise questions about the essence of their friendship.

flaky friends,unreliable relationships,friendship dynamics,time management struggles,social anxiety and depression,flexible view of plans,backup plans mentality,disregard for time,adhd and time-blindness,setting boundaries

# They overextend themselves

At some point, everyone finds themselves in a predicament where they've taken on more than they can handle. This might stem from feeling unable to decline commitments, not realizing the extent of their existing obligations, or simply being inclined to please others. It's a common occurrence.

Perhaps your friend struggles with setting boundaries or accurately gauging their capacity. It's frustrating when plans repeatedly fall through due to this tendency.

# They struggle with time management, possibly due to ADHD

Individuals with ADHD often experience what's referred to as "time-blindness." Essentially, they struggle with accurately perceiving time, leading them to either overallocate time and end up doing nothing while waiting for an appointment, or, in this context, failing to recognize the passage of time and arriving late for engagements.

Even without ADHD, some individuals may encounter difficulties with time perception.

flaky friends,unreliable relationships,friendship dynamics,time management struggles,social anxiety and depression,flexible view of plans,backup plans mentality,disregard for time,adhd and time-blindness,setting boundaries

# They contend with social anxiety or depression

Conditions like social anxiety and depression can contribute to flakiness, albeit not entirely within the individual's control.

Someone grappling with social anxiety or depression may earnestly intend to fulfill plans but find themselves overwhelmed when the day arrives. Perhaps they're already struggling with a challenging day, or the anticipation of social interaction becomes too burdensome.

In such cases, anxiety or depression levels may compel them to cancel plans. If you're aware that a friend struggles with mental health issues, there are ways to offer support. For instance, arranging low-key gatherings or one-on-one hangouts can alleviate pressure and enhance reliability.

Similarly, for a friend prone to bouts of depression, simply being present without demanding attention can convey support during difficult times.

# They view plans as flexible

Some individuals perceive plans as malleable, regardless of prior discussions or commitments. Even longstanding arrangements can be subject to last-minute changes in their eyes.

flaky friends,unreliable relationships,friendship dynamics,time management struggles,social anxiety and depression,flexible view of plans,backup plans mentality,disregard for time,adhd and time-blindness,setting boundaries

# They rely on "backup" plans

These individuals habitually craft alternative arrangements as a precaution, in case their primary plans fail or a seemingly better opportunity arises. While illogical, this behavior is inherently disrespectful and inconsiderate.

# They disregard or undervalue your time

If it becomes apparent that your friend consistently fails to respect your time, it may be time to reassess the friendship. Disregard for your time equates to a lack of respect for you as an individual. Though difficult, acknowledging this reality is necessary.

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