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12 Ways To Handle A Crush When You Are In A Relationship

By: Pinki Tue, 08 Aug 2023 3:20:55

12 Ways To Handle a Crush When You are in a Relationship

Many individuals can relate to experiencing a crush while being in a committed relationship. Picture this scenario: You recognize that you're navigating a delicate situation, yet you proceed due to the belief that it benefits your professional progress.

Before you realize it, you find yourself engaging in work-related email exchanges. These interactions evolve into coffee meetings, and subsequently, work lunches become a norm. The undercurrent of sexual tension becomes palpable, and despite their awareness of your relationship commitment, they persist. Playful insinuations and slightly more suggestive interactions ensue.

A friend offers the advice, "Move on from your feelings by getting intimately involved." You might even imagine their countenance while being intimate with your partner and eagerly anticipate their emails and messages. You stand on the precipice of succumbing to temptation, yet hopefully, you choose the alternative path.

If this situation strikes a chord with you, you're likely contemplating the complexities of developing a crush while being in a committed relationship.

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# Enjoy it

There’s nothing wrong with enjoying the fact that you’ve still “got it.” It’s nice knowing that someone besides your partner wants to be with you.

Enjoy the moment but be sure to stop there and not take it any further.

# Don’t agree to solo meetups

Your crush might extend an invitation for a private get-together, or you might experience the urge to initiate a one-on-one interaction.

Whether it involves sharing a cup of coffee or going for a run in the park, what initially appears innocuous can gradually evolve into a circumstance that you'll come to feel remorseful about.

# Minimize your time together

If you're aware that you'll encounter your crush at a social event, maintain a friendly demeanor but refrain from engaging in extended conversations throughout the entire evening.

In a workplace setting, uphold a professional attitude and avoid lingering around the coffee machine anticipating their arrival. No matter where the encounter might take place, ensure that there's a significant physical distance between the two of you.

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# Keep it civil

Although it can be challenging, refrain from displaying extra charm when you're in the presence of your crush. Interact with them just as you would with anyone else, avoiding the tendency to bestow them with special attention.

The crucial approach is to maintain a cordial demeanor while keeping a certain level of emotional detachment. By acting as if there's no special connection between you, the likelihood of any romantic development dwindles over time.

# Don’t pursue online communication

Meeting in person might not be advisable, but what about spending time together in the digital realm? While it might appear innocuous, it's recommended to avoid engaging in such interactions.

Believe us when we say that a single direct message, a text message, a playful gesture, or a simple 'like' won't suffice. One action inevitably paves the way for another, and therein lies the issue.

# Don’t share too much

Ensure that you avoid forming an emotional connection with your crush. Refrain from divulging personal information, particularly when it pertains to your romantic relationship.

There's no necessity for your crush to be aware of instances where your girlfriend raises her voice more frequently than necessary or that your husband prioritizes financial pursuits over relationship matters. Once you establish a connection with your crush and begin relying on them for support, you've essentially placed yourself in a precarious situation.

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# Don’t tempt fate

Always keep in mind that succumbing to desire isn't a worthwhile pursuit. While the fluttering sensations in your stomach and the nostalgia for the thrill of being courted might be enticing, and the novelty of receiving attention and affection from someone other than your partner might be alluring, it's crucial to consistently remind yourself that toying with risky situations isn't wise unless you're prepared to face the potential consequences.

# Keep your distance

Inevitably, if you share social circles with your crush, encountering them is bound to happen. Nevertheless, it's advisable to minimize these interactions whenever possible. For instance, if you happen to cross paths at a gathering, adhere to the usual social routine, relish the company of everyone present, and then depart earlier than usual.

Refrain from testing fate, as if both of you remain present until the event's conclusion, there's a heightened probability of naturally gravitating towards each other, particularly in scenarios where alcohol is part of the equation.

# Be the bigger person

While some believe that certain matters are more suitable to remain unspoken, prioritizing complete honesty is paramount, particularly in circumstances like these. As challenging as it might be, if the topic arises, it's crucial to communicate openly with your crush. Make it clear that you have no intentions of straying from your partner and that you're steadfast in resisting any lustful inclinations.

Convey your stance that you're only interested in maintaining a friendship and nothing beyond that. Once they understand that your intentions don't align with their desires, it's likely that they will respect your boundaries and withdraw, ideally.

# “Hide” them

Ensure you "conceal" your crush, metaphorically speaking, by adjusting your settings on social media. The idea of "out of sight, out of mind" holds true in this context.

By not subjecting yourself to a constant stream of your crush's pictures, status updates, tweets, or any other posts, you'll likely find it more manageable to move on from your feelings. Experiencing a morning where your crush's disheveled bedhead selfie greets you can be especially challenging. This unnecessary reminder can make it difficult to free your mind from thoughts of them, and we both understand the struggle of trying to banish your crush from your thoughts.

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