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10 Signs Of A Happy, Healthy Relationship You Should Always Look For

By: Pinki Fri, 19 May 2023 11:25:25

10 Signs of a Happy, Healthy Relationship You Should Always Look For

In a happy relationship, you no longer doubt their intentions towards you. While no relationship is perfect and conflicts may arise, there is clear evidence of respect, trust, and love.

In a problematic relationship, you instinctively sense that something is amiss. A healthy relationship empowers you to flourish in various aspects of your life, whereas a negative relationship has adverse effects and can ruin other areas of your life.

Ultimately, people may define a healthy relationship differently, but it ultimately boils down to the fundamental pillars of love, respect, and trust.

Distinguishing between a healthy and unhealthy relationship is something you can intuitively sense. However, if you haven't experienced the fortune of being in a healthy relationship, you may never fully comprehend how it feels or what constitutes proper treatment.

For those who question whether their happiness with their partner stems from a healthy relationship or other factors, these signs serve as the most reliable indicators to determine if it is indeed a happy relationship.

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# You feel happy

It may seem obvious, but it's surprising how many individuals believe they're in a healthy relationship when they're actually unhappy, but attribute their unhappiness to external factors.

In a healthy relationship, you experience a genuine sense of happiness. You worry less, have fewer negative thoughts, and generally find yourself in a positive mood most of the time.

# You can be apart with confidence

In most cases, couples in unhealthy relationships struggle to be separated without reservations or becoming angry and upset. Conversely, in a healthy relationship, you have no issue with being apart and successfully navigate such situations.

# You argue

Indeed, engaging in arguments can be a positive aspect of a healthy relationship. It allows you to express your opinions effectively. When your relationship is healthy, and you have disagreements about significant matters, it signifies that you feel comfortable enough to voice your differing perspectives.

However, there is a delicate distinction between engaging in constructive arguments and arguing merely out of annoyance and frustration with each other.

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# You feel safe and secure with them

Safety and security hold significant importance in a relationship. If you don't feel safe with your partner, it inevitably leads to a constant underlying anxiety. Conversely, when you feel safe and secure in the presence of your significant other, it indicates a healthy relationship.

# You don’t have anxiety when they go out with their friends

This is a significant issue for numerous couples who may not realize they are in an unhealthy relationship. If you find yourself feeling excessively anxious and worried when your partner goes out without you, it is a clear indication of an unhealthy relationship.

In a healthy relationship, you should feel comfortable and confident enough to allow your significant other to spend time with friends without any hesitation or second thoughts. If you can do this without any problem, it signifies a healthy relationship.

# You don’t doubt that they’re telling the truth

You naturally believe and trust what your partner says without hesitation. This element is known as trust, which is essential for a happy relationship. Without trust, it becomes extremely challenging for a relationship to be healthy.

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# You feel at home with their family

Unless there are exceptional circumstances like their lack of contact with their family or their family's strict and unwelcoming behavior towards you, you should feel a sense of comfort and belonging when in the presence of your partner's family. Being able to feel at home and at ease in such situations is an indicator of a healthy relationship.

# You barely complain about them to your friends

Since there is genuinely nothing to complain about, it becomes apparent that your relationship is healthy. When your friends observe that you rarely complain about this person compared to your past dating experiences, it serves as a clear indication of a healthy relationship.

# You don’t want them to change

Have you ever dated someone and found yourself thinking, "If only they would stop doing that?" If you can relate to this thought, it suggests that your past relationships have not been healthy.

On the other hand, if you gaze at your partner and have no desire to change anything significant about them, except for minor things like remembering to change the toilet paper roll or other trivial matters, then you have finally found yourself in a healthy relationship.

# You never feel like they’re judging you

Regardless of what you say or do, if you have the assurance that your partner won't judge you and instead will make an effort to understand you, it signifies a healthy relationship.

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