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11 Subtle Signs You Have A Man Crush On A Guy And Don't Realize It

By: Pinki Tue, 05 Dec 2023 1:39:54

11 Subtle Signs You Have a Man Crush on a Guy and Don't Realize It

What exactly is a man crush? Well, it occurs when one man develops an admiration or fondness for another man. The definition might raise questions – does harboring a crush on another man imply being gay?

Likely not, although for some individuals, it could be the case. Throughout our lives, we encounter people who add a delightful flair to everything. These individuals truly understand us and are exceptionally enjoyable to be around.

It's essential to note that a crush doesn't always involve romantic sentiments. Sometimes, it simply signifies an irresistible desire to spend time with someone. You've probably come across the term 'bromance,' so how does it differ from a man crush? While they share similarities, there's one crucial distinction.

In a bromance, two guys relish each other's company, reveling in spending time together, and observers might playfully comment, "Oh, they're in a bromance."

On the other hand, a man crush is unidirectional. It involves looking at a specific guy and wanting to be around him more, or perhaps aspiring to emulate him. Once again, both bromances and man crushes don't necessarily imply romantic feelings or anything beyond a platonic connection.

While there's a chance that such relationships could evolve in that direction, it's something one must navigate if and when it materializes.

A man crush can manifest towards various individuals, including celebrities, figures of authority, individuals you've encountered online or from a distance, colleagues, friends, and the list goes on.

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# You become elated in their presence

Certainly, enjoying a guys' night is a blast, and you eagerly anticipate it all week. However, when you have a man crush, the excitement reaches a different level as you look forward to spending time with your ultimate "bestie." It's distinct and a notch above.

The mere sight of them, receiving their text messages, or even contemplating them induces butterflies in your stomach.

# You're concerned about their approval of your attire

Similar to fitting in, you desire your man crush to perceive you as the trendiest and most stylish guy around.

If you find yourself changing outfits multiple times and nervously adjusting your attire while waiting for their arrival, chances are a man crush is in play.

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# You text them incessantly

If you struggle to find enough reasons to send text messages, it's a clear sign of a man crush. Whether it's sharing amusing images, funny anecdotes, or just sending casual greetings all day long, if your phone is practically an extension of your hand, you're deeply immersed.

# You engage in social media stalking

With a man crush, ensuring they reciprocate your sentiments becomes crucial. Scrolling through their social media to confirm they aren't socializing with someone else and potentially leaving you in the lurch is just one aspect of your surveillance.

# You experience jealousy when they interact with other guys

Discovering a third wheel doesn't sit well with you, and worse yet, if they partake in something exciting without inviting you, it's grounds for irritation.

While superficial conversations with other "friends" might be acceptable, the deeper discussions should be reserved exclusively for the two of you.

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# You attempt to emulate their appearance and speech, to some extent

Having a man crush compels you to mirror their style, attire, and conversational nuances. Why? Because there's nothing cooler than emulating your "it" guy. If you can't date him, might as well embody him.

# You dress up whenever you know they're coming over

If you find yourself showering and applying cologne when they come over for video games, it's a potential indicator of a man crush. Making an effort to look good for a guys' night isn't a customary practice.

# You tidy up your apartment when they're visiting

Going beyond the typical guy duty to impress another man might strongly suggest a man crush. Guys are generally laid-back and unconcerned, so if you're scurrying around to tidy up, you're likely harboring a crush.

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# You care about their opinion of you

While banter and teasing are customary among guys, if your man crush's comments leave you feeling sensitive, it could signify special feelings for them.

# You suddenly support their sports teams

As a man, loyalty to a sports team is a given. Whether it's your college team or hometown favorite, altering your allegiance based on another man's preference is a clear indicator of a man crush.

# You find ways to spend time with them continuously

Phone conversations aren't sufficient? Excessive involvement and stalking are substantial signs of a man crush. Inserting yourself into their social gatherings, inviting yourself on every outing, or unexpectedly appearing at their residence or workplace to "hang out" are all indications of a burgeoning man crush.

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