5 Unknown Facts and Inventions About India

Some Interesting Facts about India related to technology Invention and Weapon. Below posts will include some facts related to Tesla invention to Brahmastra, which is compared to Nuclear Weapon.

# Sanskrit For Coding Language

Adolf Hitler sent expeditions to India and Tibet to collect ancient Sanskrit texts and decode the technology regarding Flying Saucers/Vimanas.

# Shaolin Kung Fu Was Found by Buddhist

The founder of Shaolin Kung Fu in China is a Pallava prince called 'Bodhidharma' from South India.

# Religion Conversion

Hindus are the most targeted group in the world for conversion to other religions.

# Holiest Place for Hindus

Kashi, situated along the banks of the river Ganges is the holiest places for Hindus.

# Preservation of Vedas

The Vedas were preserved for more than 5,000 years without the help of printing technology. This was done by reciting and memorizing all the hymns through Guru-Shishya tradition.
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