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6 DIY Ways To Use Hibiscus For Hair Growth

By: Pinki Wed, 09 Aug 2023 11:59:02

6 DIY Ways To Use Hibiscus For Hair Growth

Hibiscus, known scientifically as Hibiscus sabdariffa, is a vibrant and beautiful flowering plant that has gained significant attention for its potential benefits in hair care. Originating in warm and tropical regions, hibiscus has been used for centuries in various cultures for its medicinal and cosmetic properties. In the realm of hair care, hibiscus is revered for its ability to promote healthier, shinier, and more lustrous hair.

The key elements in hibiscus that make it beneficial for hair are its rich composition of vitamins, minerals, and natural compounds. These include vitamin C, vitamin A, amino acids, and antioxidants, which collectively contribute to nourishing and revitalizing the hair. Hibiscus also contains alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) that help exfoliate the scalp, removing dead skin cells and promoting a healthier environment for hair growth.

One of the most notable benefits of using hibiscus for hair is its potential to stimulate hair growth. The vitamins and minerals it contains are crucial for maintaining a healthy scalp and promoting the growth of strong, thick hair. Additionally, the natural oils present in hibiscus can help combat dryness and frizz, enhancing the overall texture and appearance of hair.

Hibiscus is also known to aid in preventing hair fall and reducing hair breakage. Its strengthening properties can fortify the hair shaft, making it more resistant to damage caused by environmental factors and styling routines. Regular use of hibiscus-based hair products or treatments can lead to reduced hair fall and increased hair thickness.

One popular way to incorporate hibiscus into your hair care routine is by using hibiscus-infused oils, shampoos, conditioners, or masks. These products can help harness the plant's natural goodness and deliver it directly to your hair and scalp. Additionally, some people create homemade hibiscus hair masks by blending hibiscus petals with other nourishing ingredients like yogurt, coconut oil, or aloe vera.

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# Hibiscus Oil

Creating your own hibiscus-infused oil is a wonderful way to harness the benefits of this plant for your hair care routine. Hibiscus oil can help nourish your hair, promote growth, and improve overall hair health. Here's a simple DIY hibiscus oil recipe you can try at home:


Dried hibiscus petals
Carrier oil (such as coconut oil, olive oil, or jojoba oil)
Glass jar with a tight-fitting lid
Muslin cloth or fine strainer
Dark glass bottle for storage


* Prepare the Dried Hibiscus Petals:

- Start by ensuring that your hibiscus petals are completely dry. If you're using fresh petals, you can dry them by spreading them out on a clean, dry surface and letting them air-dry for a few days. Alternatively, you can purchase dried hibiscus petals from herbal stores.

* Infusing the Oil:

- Fill a glass jar with the dried hibiscus petals. The amount of petals you use will depend on the size of the jar, but a good rule of thumb is to fill the jar about one-third to one-half full with petals.

- Pour the carrier oil of your choice over the petals until they are fully covered and submerged. Ensure that there is enough oil to completely cover the petals, as the oil will be infused with the hibiscus properties.

- Close the jar with a tight-fitting lid and give it a gentle shake to ensure that the petals are well-distributed in the oil.

* Infusion Period:

- Place the jar in a warm and sunny spot, such as a windowsill, for about 2 to 4 weeks. This will allow the hibiscus petals to infuse their beneficial compounds into the carrier oil. Shake the jar gently every day to help with the infusion process.

* Straining:

- After the infusion period, strain the oil to remove the hibiscus petals. You can use a fine muslin cloth or a fine strainer to separate the petals from the oil. Squeeze out as much oil as possible from the petals.

* Bottling and Storage:

- Transfer the infused hibiscus oil to a dark glass bottle. Dark glass helps protect the oil from light and maintains its quality over time.

* Using Hibiscus Oil:

- You can use hibiscus oil as a hair treatment by applying a small amount to your scalp and hair, massaging it in gently. Leave it on for at least 30 minutes or overnight for deep conditioning. Then, shampoo and condition your hair as usual.

Remember that everyone's hair is different, so you may want to start with a small amount of hibiscus oil and gradually adjust the quantity based on how your hair responds. Additionally, it's a good idea to do a patch test before using the oil extensively to ensure you don't have any allergic reactions.

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# Hibiscus Shampoo

Creating your own DIY hibiscus shampoo can be a fantastic way to enjoy the benefits of hibiscus for your hair in a convenient and easy-to-use form. Here's a basic recipe for making a hibiscus-infused shampoo:


1/4 cup dried hibiscus petals
1 cup water
1/2 cup liquid castile soap (unscented or a scent of your choice)
1 teaspoon carrier oil (such as jojoba oil or argan oil)
Optional: a few drops of essential oil for fragrance (lavender, rosemary, or tea tree, for example)
Fine mesh strainer
Empty shampoo bottle or container


* Prepare the Hibiscus Infusion:

- In a saucepan, combine the dried hibiscus petals and water.
- Heat the mixture over low to medium heat and let it simmer for about 15-20 minutes. This will allow the water to extract the beneficial properties of the hibiscus petals.
- After simmering, remove the saucepan from heat and let the mixture cool down.

* Strain the Hibiscus Infusion:

- Place a fine mesh strainer over a bowl or container and carefully pour the hibiscus infusion through the strainer to separate the liquid from the petals. Press the petals gently to extract as much liquid as possible.

* Mix the Shampoo:

- In a clean container or bottle, combine the liquid castile soap and the hibiscus infusion. Mix gently to ensure they are well combined.

* Add Carrier Oil and Essential Oil:

- Add the carrier oil (jojoba oil or argan oil) to the mixture and give it a gentle stir. The carrier oil will help nourish and moisturize your hair.
- If you prefer a scented shampoo, add a few drops of your chosen essential oil to the mixture. Essential oils like lavender, rosemary, or tea tree can provide a pleasant fragrance and additional benefits for the hair and scalp.

* Shake Before Use:

- Before each use, give the shampoo bottle a gentle shake to ensure all the ingredients are well mixed.

* Application:

- Wet your hair thoroughly.
- Pour a small amount of the hibiscus shampoo into your palm and lather it in your hands.
- Apply the lather to your hair, massaging gently into your scalp and hair.
- Rinse thoroughly with water.

* Storage:

- Store your DIY hibiscus shampoo in a cool, dry place. Shake before each use, as natural ingredients may settle over time.

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# Hibiscus Hair Mask

Creating your own DIY hibiscus hair mask is a wonderful way to treat your hair to the nourishing and revitalizing benefits of hibiscus. Here's a simple recipe for making a hibiscus hair mask:


1/4 cup dried hibiscus petals
1/2 cup hot water
2 tablespoons plain yogurt
1 tablespoon honey
1 tablespoon coconut oil (or your preferred carrier oil)
Optional: a few drops of essential oil for fragrance (lavender, rosemary, etc.)
Bowl for mixing
Blender or mortar and pestle
Shower cap or plastic wrap


* Prepare the Hibiscus Infusion:

- In a bowl, pour the hot water over the dried hibiscus petals. Let the petals steep in the hot water for about 15-20 minutes to create a strong hibiscus infusion.

* Blend the Hibiscus Petals:

- After the infusion is ready, blend the soaked hibiscus petals in a blender or use a mortar and pestle to create a smooth paste. This paste will be the base of your hair mask.

* Mix the Hair Mask:

- In a separate bowl, combine the hibiscus paste, yogurt, honey, and coconut oil (or your chosen carrier oil). Mix well until all the ingredients are thoroughly blended.

* Optional: Add Essential Oil:

- If you'd like to add a pleasant fragrance and additional benefits, you can include a few drops of your chosen essential oil. Lavender, rosemary, or chamomile are good options.

* Application:

- Start with dry or slightly damp hair.
- Section your hair to make it easier to apply the mask evenly.
- Apply the hibiscus hair mask from roots to tips, focusing on the scalp and the lengths of your hair.
- Gently massage your scalp to promote circulation and better absorption.
- Once your hair is fully coated, gather it and secure it on top of your head.
- Put on a shower cap or wrap your hair in plastic wrap to create a warm environment that helps the mask penetrate deeper.
- Leave the mask on for about 30 minutes to an hour. You can also leave it on overnight for a more intensive treatment.

* Rinse and Shampoo:

- After the recommended time, rinse your hair thoroughly with lukewarm water. Make sure to remove all the mask residue.
- Follow up with a mild sulfate-free shampoo to cleanse your hair.

* Condition (Optional):

- Depending on your hair's needs, you can follow up with a conditioner to restore moisture and manageability.

* Dry and Style:

- Allow your hair to air dry or style it as usual.

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# Hibiscus & Amla Mask

Combining hibiscus with amla (Indian gooseberry) can create a powerful hair mask that's rich in nutrients and benefits for your hair. Both hibiscus and amla are known for promoting hair growth, strengthening hair, and enhancing overall hair health. Here's a DIY hibiscus and amla hair mask recipe for you to try:


1/4 cup dried hibiscus petals
2 tablespoons dried amla powder
1/2 cup hot water
1 tablespoon yogurt
1 tablespoon honey
1 tablespoon coconut oil (or your preferred carrier oil)
Optional: a few drops of essential oil for fragrance (lavender, rosemary, etc.)
Bowl for mixing
Blender or mortar and pestle
Shower cap or plastic wrap


* Prepare the Hibiscus and Amla Infusion:

- In a bowl, pour the hot water over the dried hibiscus petals and amla powder. Allow the mixture to steep for about 15-20 minutes, creating a strong infusion.

* Blend the Hibiscus Petals:

- After the infusion is ready, blend the soaked hibiscus petals in a blender or use a mortar and pestle to create a smooth paste. This paste will be the base of your hair mask.

* Mix the Hair Mask:

- In a separate bowl, combine the hibiscus paste, amla-infused water, yogurt, honey, and coconut oil (or your chosen carrier oil). Mix well until all the ingredients are thoroughly blended.

* Optional: Add Essential Oil:

- If desired, add a few drops of essential oil for a pleasant fragrance and additional benefits.

* Application:

- Apply the hibiscus and amla hair mask evenly to your dry or slightly damp hair, focusing on the scalp and the lengths of your hair.

- Gently massage your scalp to enhance circulation and ensure the mask is evenly distributed.

* Warm and Wait:

- Put on a shower cap or wrap your hair in plastic wrap to create a warm environment for the mask to work. This helps improve absorption and effectiveness.

- Leave the mask on for about 30 minutes to an hour. For a more intensive treatment, you can leave it on overnight.

* Rinse and Cleanse:

- Rinse your hair thoroughly with lukewarm water to remove the mask.

- Follow up with a sulfate-free shampoo to cleanse your hair.

* Condition (Optional):

- Apply a conditioner to your hair if needed to restore moisture and manageability.

* Dry and Style:

- Allow your hair to air dry or style as usual.

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# Aloe Vera & Hibiscus Hair Mask

Combining aloe vera and hibiscus in a hair mask can offer a hydrating and nourishing treatment for your hair. Aloe vera helps to moisturize and soothe the scalp, while hibiscus promotes hair growth and overall hair health. Here's a DIY aloe vera and hibiscus hair mask recipe for you to try:


1/4 cup dried hibiscus petals
1/2 cup hot water
2 tablespoons aloe vera gel (fresh or store-bought)
1 tablespoon coconut oil (or your preferred carrier oil)
Optional: a few drops of essential oil for fragrance (lavender, rosemary, etc.)
Bowl for mixing
Blender or mortar and pestle
Shower cap or plastic wrap


* Prepare the Hibiscus Infusion:

- In a bowl, pour the hot water over the dried hibiscus petals. Let the petals steep for about 15-20 minutes to create a strong hibiscus infusion.

* Blend the Hibiscus Petals:

- After the infusion is ready, blend the soaked hibiscus petals in a blender or use a mortar and pestle to create a smooth paste. This paste will be the base of your hair mask.

* Mix the Hair Mask:

- In a separate bowl, combine the hibiscus paste, aloe vera gel, and coconut oil (or your chosen carrier oil). Mix well until all the ingredients are thoroughly blended.

* Optional: Add Essential Oil:

- If you'd like to add a pleasant fragrance and additional benefits, include a few drops of your chosen essential oil.

* Application:

- Start with dry or slightly damp hair.

- Apply the aloe vera and hibiscus hair mask evenly to your hair, focusing on the scalp and the lengths of your hair.

- Gently massage your scalp to promote circulation and ensure the mask is evenly distributed.

* Warm and Wait:

- Put on a shower cap or wrap your hair in plastic wrap to create a warm environment for the mask to work. This helps improve absorption and effectiveness.

- Leave the mask on for about 30 minutes to an hour. For a more intensive treatment, you can leave it on overnight.

* Rinse and Shampoo:

- Rinse your hair thoroughly with lukewarm water to remove the mask.

- Follow up with a sulfate-free shampoo to cleanse your hair.

* Condition (Optional):

- Apply a conditioner to your hair if needed to restore moisture and manageability.

* Dry and Style:

- Allow your hair to air dry or style as usual.

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# Hibiscus & Onion Hair Mask

Creating a hair mask using both hibiscus and onion can be an interesting blend of natural ingredients that may promote hair growth and strengthen your hair. Hibiscus is known for its nourishing and revitalizing properties, while onion is often used for its potential to stimulate hair follicles and promote growth. Here's a DIY hibiscus and onion hair mask recipe:


1/4 cup dried hibiscus petals
1 small onion
1 tablespoon coconut oil (or your preferred carrier oil)
Optional: a few drops of essential oil for fragrance (lavender, rosemary, etc.)
Bowl for mixing
Blender or food processor
Fine mesh strainer
Shower cap or plastic wrap


* Prepare the Hibiscus Infusion:

- In a bowl, pour hot water over the dried hibiscus petals. Allow them to steep for about 15-20 minutes to create a strong hibiscus infusion.

* Blend the Onion:

- Peel and chop the small onion into smaller pieces.

- Using a blender or food processor, blend the onion until you get a smooth onion paste. You can also use a fine mesh strainer to extract onion juice if you prefer.

* Mix the Hair Mask:

- In a separate bowl, combine the hibiscus infusion, onion paste, and coconut oil (or your chosen carrier oil). Mix well until all the ingredients are thoroughly blended.

* Optional: Add Essential Oil:

- If you'd like to improve the fragrance and add extra benefits, add a few drops of essential oil.

* Application:

- Start with dry or slightly damp hair.

- Apply the hibiscus and onion hair mask evenly to your scalp and hair, focusing on the roots and the lengths.

- Gently massage your scalp to promote circulation and ensure the mask is distributed.

* Warm and Wait:

- Put on a shower cap or wrap your hair in plastic wrap to create a warm environment for the mask to work. This helps with absorption and effectiveness.

- Leave the mask on for about 30 minutes to an hour. For a more intensive treatment, you can leave it on overnight.

* Rinse and Shampoo:

- Rinse your hair thoroughly with lukewarm water to remove the mask.

- Follow up with a sulfate-free shampoo to cleanse your hair.

* Condition (Optional):

- Apply a conditioner if needed to restore moisture and manageability.

* Dry and Style:

- Allow your hair to air dry or style it as usual.

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