10 Exercise For Biceps You Can Perform At Home

By: Pinki Fri, 05 May 2023 10:35:29

10 Exercise For Biceps You Can Perform at Home

When it comes to strength training, building strong biceps is a popular goal for many fitness enthusiasts. The biceps are the muscles on the front of the upper arm and are responsible for pulling movements such as lifting and bending. While traditional bicep exercises such as bicep curls can be performed with gym equipment, there are also a variety of effective exercises that can be performed at home with minimal or no equipment. Incorporating bicep exercises into your fitness routine can improve not only the appearance of your arms but also your overall upper body strength and functionality. In this article, we will explore some of the best exercises for biceps that you can perform at home to help you achieve your fitness goals.

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# Plank Tap Bicep Workout

- Start in a high plank position with your hands shoulder-width apart and your feet together.

- Keep your core tight and your body in a straight line.

- Tap your left shoulder with your right hand, then return to the plank position.

- Tap your right shoulder with your left hand, then return to the plank position.

- Bring your right hand to your left shoulder and tap, then return to the plank position.

- Repeat the same with your left hand and right shoulder.

- Continue alternating sides for 15-20 reps.

This exercise targets your biceps as well as your core and other upper body muscles. It can be done at home or anywhere else without the need for equipment. You can gradually increase the number of reps or add weights to make it more challenging and effective in building your biceps.

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# Side Plank Biceps Workout

- Start by lying on your side with your legs straight and your feet stacked on top of each other. Prop yourself up with your forearm, so your elbow is directly under your shoulder.

- Lift your hips off the ground, so your body forms a straight line from your head to your feet. Your forearm and bottom foot should be the only parts of your body touching the ground.

- Extend your top arm straight up toward the ceiling, with your palm facing forward.

- While keeping your upper body still, slowly bend your elbow and lower your top arm toward your body until your forearm is parallel to the ground.

- Pause for a moment, then straighten your arm back up to the starting position.

- Repeat for 10-12 reps, then switch to your other side and repeat the exercise.

Remember to engage your core and keep your body in a straight line throughout the exercise. You can also add weight to this exercise by holding a dumbbell in your top hand.

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# Forearm Plank Biceps Workout

- Start in a forearm plank position with your elbows directly under your shoulders and your body in a straight line from head to heels.

- Keep your feet shoulder-width apart and your toes tucked under.

- Begin by lifting your right hand off the ground and tapping your left shoulder.

- Lower your right hand back down and repeat the movement on the other side, lifting your left hand and tapping your right shoulder.

- Continue alternating sides, tapping your shoulders with each hand lift, for the desired number of reps.

To increase the intensity of this exercise, you can add a push-up after each tap, or hold a light weight in each hand while performing the exercise. Remember to keep your core engaged throughout the exercise and maintain proper form to avoid injury.

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# Plank Up-Down Biceps Workout

- Begin in a high plank position with your hands shoulder-width apart and your body in a straight line from your head to your heels.

- Lower your right elbow to the mat, followed by your left elbow, so you are now in a low plank position.

- Push back up to the high plank position, starting with your right hand, followed by your left hand.

- Repeat this motion, alternating which elbow you lower first.

- Make sure to keep your core engaged and your body in a straight line throughout the movement.

- Aim for 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions.

This exercise can be modified to make it easier or more challenging, depending on your fitness level. For beginners, start with a modified plank on your knees, and for a more advanced version, add a push-up in between the plank up-down motion.

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# Push-Ups the Best biceps workout

Push-ups are a compound exercise that primarily targets the chest, shoulders, and triceps, but they can also engage the biceps to a certain extent. The biceps muscles act as stabilizers during push-ups, which means they support the movement by keeping the elbows in place and preventing them from flaring out.

To perform push-ups as a biceps workout, you can try the following variations:

Close-grip push-ups: Place your hands close together, just slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, and perform push-ups as usual. This variation emphasizes the triceps and biceps.

Diamond push-ups: Place your hands in a diamond shape, with your thumbs and index fingers touching to form a diamond, and perform push-ups as usual. This variation also targets the triceps and biceps.

Plyometric push-ups: Perform explosive push-ups by pushing yourself off the ground with enough force to get your hands off the ground. This variation will challenge your chest, shoulders, triceps, and biceps.

Decline push-ups: Place your feet on an elevated surface such as a bench or chair and perform push-ups as usual. This variation emphasizes the upper chest, shoulders, and biceps.

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# Downward Dog to Push-Up Biceps Workout

The downward dog to push-up is a great biceps workout that also targets your shoulders, chest, and core. Here are the steps to perform this exercise:

- Start in a downward dog position, with your hands and feet on the floor and your hips lifted up towards the ceiling.

- Lower your body into a plank position by bending your elbows and bringing your chest towards the floor.

- Push back up to the starting position and lift your hips back up towards the ceiling.

- Repeat for the desired number of reps, focusing on keeping your core engaged and your biceps contracted throughout the movement.

To make this exercise more challenging, you can try adding a push-up or two between each downward dog position. You can also try holding the downward dog position for a few breaths before lowering into a push-up to add an extra challenge for your shoulders and core.

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# Decline Push-up Biceps Workout

Decline push-ups are a great biceps workout that can be done with a bench or step. Here's how to do it:

- Place your hands on the bench or step, shoulder-width apart, and extend your legs out behind you, with your toes on the ground. Your body should form a straight line from your head to your heels.

- Lower your body down towards the bench by bending your arms, keeping your elbows close to your sides.

- Push back up to the starting position, using your biceps to power the movement.

- Repeat for a desired number of repetitions.

To make the exercise more challenging, you can elevate your feet on a higher surface or add weight to your back.

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# Incline Push-up Biceps Workout

The incline push-up is another effective bodyweight exercise that targets the biceps as well as the chest, shoulders, and triceps. Here's how to perform an incline push-up:

- Find an elevated surface such as a bench, chair, or step and place your hands on the edge shoulder-width apart.

- Step back so your body is at an angle with your feet together and your arms straight.

- Keeping your body in a straight line, lower yourself down towards the bench by bending your elbows.

- Pause for a second when your chest is close to the bench, then push back up to the starting position.

- Repeat for your desired number of reps.

To increase the intensity, you can move your hands closer together or elevate your feet on a higher surface.

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# Bodyweight Triceps Dip Biceps Workout

While bodyweight triceps dips primarily work the triceps, they also engage the biceps muscles as well. Here's how to perform this exercise for a biceps workout:

- Find parallel bars or stable elevated surface like a bench, chair, or sturdy box.

- Sit on the edge of the bench or box with your hands placed shoulder-width apart on either side of you. Make sure your fingers are facing forward and your palms are flat on the surface.

- Slide your hips off the bench or box, and bend your knees so that your feet are flat on the ground.

- Slowly lower yourself down by bending your elbows and keeping your shoulders down and back.

- When your upper arms are parallel to the ground, push yourself back up to the starting position.

- Repeat for the desired number of reps.

Make sure to engage your biceps throughout the movement by keeping your elbows close to your sides and squeezing your biceps as you push yourself back up to the starting position.

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# Diamond Push-up Biceps Workout

Diamond push-ups are an excellent bodyweight exercise that works your triceps, chest, and shoulders, while also engaging your biceps.

To perform a diamond push-up:

- Start in a high plank position with your hands placed close together under your chest, forming a diamond shape with your index fingers and thumbs.

- Lower your body down towards the floor while keeping your elbows tucked in close to your body.

- Push back up to the starting position by straightening your arms.

- Repeat for the desired number of reps.

To increase the engagement of your biceps during this exercise, focus on maintaining tension in your arms throughout the movement, and squeezing your biceps at the top of the push-up. You can also try slowing down the movement and pausing briefly at the top of the push-up to increase the time under tension for your biceps.

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